Sarah Haggerty was born in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 22, 1976. She is a therapist. Her grandparents owned a home in the historical John S. Park neighborhood. As of February 02, 2010 she owns a house in the John S. Park neighborhood as well.
Lyle Rivera was born November 22, 1942 and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1943. He was raised as an only child of a single mother, who was a cocktail waitress at the Golden Nugget Hotel. Rivera distinguished himself within the community as a lawyer and activist. He also held professional careers in both the Attorney General’s and District Attorney’s office.
Paul William Warner was born May 22, 1900. He later moved to Las Vegas, Nevada and worked in mining and ranching. He served four terms in the Nevada State Assembly (1945, 1947, 1949, and 1951). He relocated to Mountain Springs, on the road to Pahrump, and helped to create the town. Warner died on January 31, 1980.
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Jean S. Childs was born in Spokqne, Washington on April 30, 1946. Childs moved to Las Vegas with her family in 1962 and attended Ranch High School, along with her twin brother and younger sister. After a brief move back to California, Childs returned to Las Vegas and attended UNLV. After graduation she began work with the Economic Opportunity Board, which administered the Head Start program. She worked at Head Start for twenty-six years starting in 1972. She was also Regional Head Start Director and worked as a private consultant.
Daryl Morris, born July 18, 1961 in Las Vegas, Nevada, he is one of three sons born to Paula and Bobby Morris. His day job was in insurance, but his great love was for acting. He was smitten at the age of 11 and took acting lessons as a youngster, and later studied with actor Jeff Goldblum. He had an impressive list of films in which he has appeared, including the opening scene of Mall Cop 2. He enjoyed voice-over acting and teaching acting classes. He served in the Navy and attended UNLV.
Rabbi Shea Harlig (1965- ) founded Chabad of Southern Nevada in 1990 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Chabad of Southern Nevada is a branch of Chabad-Lubavitch, a worldwide Orthodox Jewish outreach organization. Rabbi Harlig previously lived in Brooklyn, New York, where he was born, raised, educated, and ordained.