Level of Description
1932 to 1951
Box 27, folder 12
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: MS-01099
Collection Name: Dennis McBride Personal Papers
Box/Folder: Box 27 (Restrictions apply)
Collection Name: Dennis McBride Personal Papers
Box/Folder: Box 27 (Restrictions apply)
Additional Description
McBride's maternal grandfather; Ship Fitters and Helpers Union Local No. 9 [San Francisco, CA]; Kern County [CA] Building and Construction Trades Council; San Luis Obispo County Construction and General Laborers' Union of the A. F. of L., Local No. 1464; Consolidated Building Trades, Metal Trades, and Central Labor Councils of Vallejo [CA] and Vicinity; and the International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers [Los Angeles, CA]
Administrative Information