Access Restricted Archival objects in this container: Bowman, Horatio Franklin and Catherine Cora "Kate" Benton : genealogy, 1886 to 1966 Bowman, Orpha : portrait, 1936 to 1937 Bowman, Steve Eligie : employment, 1920 to 1958 Bowman, Steve Eligie labor union materials: employment, 1932 to 1951 Bowman, Steve Eligie : ephemera, 1930 to 1950 Bowman, Steve Eligie property: financial, 1939 Bowman, Steve Eligie income tax: financial, 1950 to 1953 Bowman, Steve Eligie loan and lawsuit: financial, 1937 to 1940 Bowman, Steve Eligie : military records, 1940 to 1958 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1958 October 18 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1958 October to 1958 December Bowman, Orpha : correspondence, 1941 to 1948 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1933 to 2016 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1957 to 1963 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1959 to 1975 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1964 to 1967 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1968 to 1973 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1964 June 02 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1991 to 1992 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1958 to 1959 Bowman, Steve Eligie : death records, 1958 to 1970 Lyles, Mary Stella : personal records, 1960 to 1977 Bowman. Orpha : correspondence, 1957 McBride, David Monty : birth records, 1957 June 06 McBride, Orpha Alveta : correspondence, 1941 to 1950 Load More