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appreciable slop e, b e lls s h a ll, a t the d is c r e tio n o f the Engineer, fa ce up-grade. No pipe s h a ll be la id in water, or when the trench con ditions or the weather is unsuitable f o r such \vork, except by permission o f the Engineer. B efore la y in g the pipes, a l l lumps, b lis t e r s , and excess c o a l-ta r coatin g s h a ll be removed from the b e ll-a n d - sp igo t ends o f each pipe; the outside o f the sp igo t and the in sid e o f the b e ll s h a ll then be w ire brushed and wiped clean and dry. Where sulphur compound is s p e c ifie d , o i l and grease a lso s h a ll be removed. Pipe ends s h a ll be kept clean u n til jo in ts are made. Pipe jo in ts s h a ll be sealed w ith sulphur compound ( Tegu l-M in eralcad") , fo llo w in g the preparation o f the jo in t base w ith yarning m ateria l as h e re in a fte r s p e c ifie d . For sulphur compound jo in ts a space not le s s than 2-1/2 inches in depth s h a ll be l e f t in the b e ll in pipe whose nominal diameter is 24 inches or le s s . The jo in t runner s h a ll f i t snugly against the fa c e o f the b e ll and the outside o f the p ip e, and s h a ll be dammed w ith c la y a t the pouring gate to provide fo r f i l l i n g the jo in t even w ith the to p o f the b e ll. Each jo in t s h a ll be made w ith one pour, f i l l i n g the jo in t space. Compound fo r pipe jo in ts s h a ll be fu rnished by Owner. The compound s h a ll be heated in a m eltin g furnace su itab le fo r the use o f sulphur compound and manipulated in accordance w ith the in stru ctio n s o f the manufacturer o f the compound . I f a jo in t is d e fe c tiv e , i t s h a ll be cut out and e n tir e l y rep laced as d ire c te d by the Engineer. Gate va lves and pipe f it t in g s s h a ll be set and jo in te d to new pipe in the manner h ere to fo re s p e c ifie d fo r clean in g, la y in g , and jo in tin g p ip e. Standard plugs s h a ll be in serted in to the b e lls o f a l l dead ends o f pipes, te e s , or crosses, and sp igo t ends s h a ll be capped. Pressure During Test A fte r the pipe has been la id and p a r t ia lly b a c k fille d a l l newly la id p ip e, or any valved sectio n o f i t s h a ll, unle s s otherwise s p e c ifie d , be subjected to h yd ro sta tic pressure 50 per cent above normal op eratin g pressure. The -3 -