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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    lias Vegas - Ootober 14, 1949 W 2>7 Mr. Ws. Reinhardt! ?I oa Mr. E* I* Bennett ) Supplementing ry letter -September 15th regard* ing request of the Motel Otmers Aaaoolation that the hotel rate for -water e rrioe be allied to motels and auto court*. 1 was under the impression th t the matter was settled after our conversation with the Public Service Commission here October llth| however Chairman Allard phoned from Car*on City tide morning advising that considerable pressure was ~b ing placed on the commission to have the - hotel rate spiled to motels. He requested th t we file with the commission a rate for motels and auto courts differentiating from the bungalow court rate shown in our present schedule, together with our definition regarding lawns and landscaping. Me also requested, that t contact the attorney for the Hotel ©wners, Cleveland Sohulta, with a view to oomproidUlng the matter to the satisfaction of the water company and the motel owners in order to avoid the necessity for a public hearing on the sufej ect# While it is true a rate for auto courts and motels Is not spool- cl Gaily provided for in our existing rate schedule, we have always considered them in the same category as a bungalow court. However-X would like to get rid of the troublesome matter of adjusting vacancy allowances each month and if we" could establish & flat rate penmnlt that would have to be paid regardless whether occupied or vacant it might pay us to compromise. Ky suggestion would be to offer them & flat rate of If. 00 per unit without any additional charge for toilet and bath and discontinue vacancy allowances* Any additional facilities such as restaurants, stores, service strtionsp houses or trailers would of course be m addition to the motel rate, in accordance with our present practice* % would rather do this than be forced to grant them the present hotel rate of about $0*45 per unit, because of the importance of keeping our rate structure reasonably < consistent, the charge of fl.00 per trailer has been approved by the commission and if the $0.45 rate were applied to motels it wohld result in tourists being penalised merely because they have wheels und«r their abode* s