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Land contract






This folder is from "Legal Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000415. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    JUSE fList, JV*o J l .. ,....... S o ''?_.jlcres CONTRACT NO....MQ&?...... -----ON----- Application S t a t e o f N e v a d a -----W IT H ----- Interest ( .........) due on the* day .........of each year. Prin&pal ( ......) due on the .... ~ • • P A . Y M E N r a 1st/ M B 1903 , O K I N T E R E S T : *$-» 13th _______1915 2d / % -1904 3d / fig S t s L 1905 ^ 4th ^ ^ 1 9 0 6 V 5th^X=s/«£l907 6th1^*LLl908 7th ^ S « ^ 1 9 0 9 8th L _____ 1910 9th ___ 1911 10 th _____ „ 1 9 1 1 1 th _______ 1913 12 th _______ 1914 25th DUPLICATE SERIES 1902 S tate of N evada —L and D epartment THIS. ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT, •(p ou ptaatti.') day off M ade and entered into this .^1902, by and between the State o f Nevada, acting through E. D. K E LLE Y, Survbjfor-General and ex^officip-Re^ister o f the State L a n d Office o f said State, pgrpyg)f the first part, andR...\fLJ<^.^..d.^r*i^....VXL.............................. ,.. .................. , o f the County of ^pa in the State o),ld3/lf.L. ? v a..<1. rty of the second part, That the party o f the first part, fo r and in consideration o f one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per acre, good and law ful money o f the United States, payable as hereinafter expressed, by the party o f the second part, doth agree to convey to the party o f the second part, by good and sufficient patent, in fee simple, the following-described lands, to-w it: M t. Diablo Base and M eridian, containing ) acres ; provided, that all mines of gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabar, and other valuable minerals, that may exist in said jj£g&s, are expressly reserved by the state. I n consideration of which the party o f the second part, fo r'd d U i self, d d * heirs, administrators, executors or assigns, doth agree to pay the State o f Nevada. a,t the rate o f one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per acre, as above stated, o f which sum the party o f the second pa rt has heretofore paid the sum o f twenty-five (2 5 ) cents per acre; and it is hereby fu rth er agreed that the party o f the second part shall, w ithin twenty-five (2 5 ) years fro m the date o f this A rticle o f Agreement, pay the balance o f swtd-one-dollar arid twenty-five cents ($1.25) per asgre^yiz., one ($ 1 ) dollar per acre, i. e., the sum of.t ( $.//;:........ ) dollars, with interest thereon a,t the rate o f six per cerdifm per annum, interest payable annually, as provided in Section 8 o f an A ct entitled “ A n A ct to provide fo r the selection and sale o f lands that have been or m ay hereafter be granted by the United States to the State o f Nevada.” approved Ma,rch 12,1885 ; as amended'? January 26, 1899. A n d it is hereby fu rth er provided and agreed, that the party o f the second p a r t e g ... heirs, adm inistrators, executors or assigns, m ay at any tim e p rior to the m a tu rity o f this Contract make f u ll payment fo r the lands described in this Article, and receive fro m the State o f Nevada a, patent fo r the same, issued in the name o f the applicant. /THIS MADE UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS, viz.: That i f the said — ? -ppa.rty o f the second part, shall fa il to pay the p rin c ip a l sum herein specified, o r'th e interest thereon, according to the terms of this Agreement, as herein stipulated, the lands herein described, and the money paid thereon, shall im m ediately and unconditionally revert to the State o f Nevada, and the lamcls be thereafter subject to sale in the same m anner and under the same conditions as though this Contract o f Sale had not been m ade; provided, that the State L a n d Register is hereby authorized to accept an overdue interest payment on this Contract d u rin g the period o f one year fro m the date required fo r such interest paym ent; but when application is made fo r any portion o f the land described in this Contract on which the annual interest paym ent is overdue it shall be the duty o f the Stale L a n d Register to im m ediately declare such Contract forfeited and to accept and certify such application, and the rem ainder o f the land embraced in such forfeited Contract shall unconditionally revert to the State. FlTEtBSS ©UR f f - M M This.JfdPLt^JdCDd^ ..\day of.. 1902. (Do not date.) Witness. (Witness over this line.) / " { j (Sign Applicant’s full name over this line!) in A gent.