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man000368. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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F. D. 1 2 -20 M 8-37 E. G. DAUPHINE O F F IC E M A N A G E R DEPARTMEM1 OF FORESTER AND FIRE WARDEN S P E N C E ID. T U R N E R , f o r e s t e R F I R E , F i n n A N D O A M E W A R D E H Co. A g r i c u l t u r a l B l d g ., 524 No r t h S p r i n g St r e e t T E L E P H O N E M U T U A L S 2 1 I JOSEPH J. DAVIS C H IE F A S S IS T A N T Reply to* Weed Abatement Section 701 E* Jefferson Blvd* Los Angeles, California ADams 8221 December 8, 1939 Mrs* Sadie B* George Clayton 1315 N. Main St. Santa Ana, California Dear Mrs* Claytons In reply to your letter of recent date, addressed to Roger W* Jessup, relative to Weed Tax, -wish to state, that the following is a report of the investigation made of Lot 20, Tract 5U57* as per the request of Mr* Jessup* We find that the charge of $8*67 is for two year’s clearing charge, 1938 and 1939* As the 1938 clearing charges reached the Auditor too late to be placed on the 1938 tax bill, they were carried over to 1939* We entered upon this property as of August 12, 1938, cut the necessary fire breaks; cut heavy growth of green weeds and burned lot, at a cost of $ij.*63* again entered upon this property as of June 9# 1939* and found that the man living at 137 Los Flores Dr* cut a fire break 120’ x 2 ’ along the E side to protect his property* We increased the break along the E side to 5*1 cut break 1 2 0 x 5* along side;50 ’ x 3* across rear; cut break 5 ’ around 2 trees; and out green weeds after burning* This work was done at a cost of $2j.*0l}., by a regulation crew of five men and a foreman* Your property-ms surveyed, posted, and cleared, in accordance with the State Noxious Weed Act, and will again be surveyed and posted in the early spring of 19^4-0, if a hazard* If it is your intention of clearing your own property next season, kindly fill out the enclosed blank, and return it to this office, in order that we may mark our records a ooordingly* Yours truly, SPENCE D. TURNER County Forester and Fire Warden By 7/(ftaiA J* ? ___________ Witt* E* Fair', Jr*; (Acting) Director Weed Abatement Section, Intelligence Division WHFsfa e n d * IF WE W O ULD HAVE W ATER AND PLA YG R O U N D S— WE MUST PREVENT FIRES FD 360 500 6-30-39 Date County of Los Angeles Dept, of Forester & Fire Warden Weed Abatement Division Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: i This is to certify Owner __________ Caretaker_____________________ of Lot ______________ that I am the Agent____________ Power of Attorney Blook Traot Located at and will remove weed nuisance from said property within days from this date. It is my understanding that if I do not oomply within the number of days set forth in this document^that the Los Angeles County Department of Forester and Fire Warden will have the 7feed Abatement Division send a special crew to remove the same, charging cost of 'Clearing to my tax bill. Signet_____ (Name) Witness: (Address) 701 E* Jefferson Bird* IN FIVE DAYS RETURN TO D E P A R T M E N T O F C O U N T Y F O R E S T E R A N D F IR E W A R D E N gmtseracgctotosaaaBto LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Mrs* Sadie B* George Clayton 1315 N. Main St. Santa Ana* California