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    r 5Sw TrT. BCi 1 k,i| Inuoust operation i t ;; isyof' record that t W Company pure ha sea' fourteen ,thouisand;f:cor d‘s f of;,hc od! from Tcc c t onwecd Island and fo u N e e u le s to o p e r a te the mil || wood, ? i ro/a t he ^r!iver';vj8aeH. "ydai'affwah$f:^|iou's^db|loif, toas o f inerehandi se | wer The mitts the hekviecsly pr*od^at;ioa:;'dui?lng'.'tiiIS'-tiiQa\were/ the, .T : e... icup r iW&llstre ssfc;*,:Ifsi|ih'gi'B ir d •*,.t)aakerIff1 t ,7 , .Jab&iee, Luekey Jiraf 1 p3||^f|^|{||^sahy,! and a considerable :pI’oduetibn|fr<^-.:$;W#;6dbd<9niGug|i:ji;!:'$tIy^vl'd^idtiV( Sphin,. 'and' others*. FCUgitv •OeJhli wA i*sv rai flllfUip ©* fa v<P.Vy&y I > f Brr‘?f mwSw 1 '/*• „K'. :tfi. *> • ... * h < > • *% Jt **. £’ -f ... * ! > ' . « Jr '5,- prpduct ion|;c §®ol?sfely • • l i t t i e l e s s * V:t.|ianht«ro M iIIion del 1 ars,fw h lie | the rec 6rds show that the • W allstreet jt-bdtii<l^idxi^tc%in-lii^ioii-|;Ta|huhd^ed tl?ot'Gc:*l d o lla rs : above ? erne • hundred | foot depth »r and t h a t ;whilQhthe , Techatiicup; u su a lly r a n high in s ily e propQsit ion . ?^ i ^ha Quake'r icity 'isivknom tq.ihavetprotiuced cveroneyiiurdred .' ||t jhoi S and' d o lla r s a n d , t he'Mdckingi Bird toverVtwo hundredthou sand .;,i ||| ?;:d|>liarS'TheGoodehough o.verone. hundred and ,forty theusand :ddl 1 ars ?:h numher r f pedperties produced sm aller amounts o f ^ ores * The 'Morning ?ta r ,produced seme o f the rich est i? i ever fdund in the d is tr ic t^ iand values running two and three. , llllliiM jfili t t S a f i n p r a c r i c a l l y a ll o f these >&' ?' y. ' .;tJ ^ <•? i l i f ip i¥l1p lp Sw fSffiliP S^^^«!iSi€® ^S IntlSQ7., th e . p ric e *© f/isilver''reached such a.low ebb- that i?;& t ^ r l i i i ® w e r o : , e o n s r f i o r e p^'il#^fe^hu}ipi?dtiisftle:^A tl;lini;e,h^ were mined, hut g "-: ?:fcSs v t ? stment hankers;'',© f |PhiladeIphia, _____ |___ |j...^ ? n . ... 1 re tire pert y to, t Jo'seph t; ton v w $8?. 'C on a i rv'and^;"^ iek le,X in gr | who til ate rl feruled ? what < is .’known, wh'ti ?'-i-;.: 1 i ?;' ' ; -sikl 'Ife«attartGo^*Mihe's. Go Slnow, d e s ir in g 'h^riershlpv ;"ir hartco ||!|lil l i l l l J , | lit %far i:sus"''t'i*^sr'? v i i l i l i l l l l i d is t r xc t|P ana; has Ve xpr es sedt h ime e lf ^ li #|1 r iM 11 Sf Sc lij-i kMajt 4 WA 1 ^thei^yie’f !|thatvtihegetpndp^rt Id’s., were • of* great__value,!.i ififev J.-;,v.tfcTWiMB«-1* *iu'ujaw ! or^i*e*t ime’tfclfeiiS>,'.y asthint ere s ts I’lnes re Gh iring;...' ?':'h.*: ssfeeas? ' ©ht ; ,fOd-upled.*#ith,:,,nts ,advanced;:aSe »: preventea',; tfllliA* il lil I . & I n ® | | S i | e' o p : ||^^||||i|^|rtiedjtby,-jiisi’:ih | ih 11f*s||i^rvWSpirt|;ns;td|at|i;'ibfcc;h a fe at!". insulae ing the .property. junder'. the ymanagement of ' ~T- "i.W , VMiil ayed'-ff H R .. ,.„... .^.i^tiAhoUtt fo u r-y e a rsta g o A p ra c tle a l- r in ih g m eh -vi;sitin gyth e greatly impressed ,with*tha wphaerful'v.showing-of- .a tst r lc :ti,iw h ic h * e n ib r a tliS ii|r iiP 'fto n e -h u n d r e d |^i|iiiireltyi':%i'-'-s;-!*i .'-q ft uisra^L'rr e|^ipi —'s i• .|r' fj-hv-sl«h• /V;'«:r| a'. ari e present ;^: Arl:'t hiV*nir rt>r ':-. in g fe atUtu ioirQe s ., jp-.n; v * - *+• r i : m •!' &-WJ. 1eH M«..‘dr: B H H B H H H Vvdbhist ’eut by irregu 1 ar dykes oftpegmatite^ard', aplIte p :with fined ^ , haked :^ye|-?^.uhdaftt'"hiotlte.^*|some''horn-hT;ent;»; ard t^.p^enfcl'y cfen,seder; ”' "’ U;,;.W Stated astheing,:fhund a.t o'r-';i , ne5 •rar •' Of porphery and-d i or it e.p’/whi eh c u t ; me tamor-iphcdadr- ecuntry rock. Occasionally, the cre isy in eontact .'between i . but wherever fchne in ' contact with the ? ??.. aije tamer phi c rock', ih e : 1 @.t t :e r |u su a 11 y ; s he ws aschist.cse dcndition '. ?•?., : -’y^K . V V-5"1'. *;K - X j , . .*7j * •*, .J k V V - 1^ , ^ ^--?fi;.Sa W.* *. V •“ My-.- $&< :2 » « *’? wM&yj’vSf, A v m X.& r^yidr-. ; . i ;' i y ^ M m a y »S 'SORt! M