Archival objects in this container: Clark County Juvenile Court Services, 1973 League Public Relations: Local, 1965-1972 State Board Administration, 1967-1971 State Board Administration: newspaper clippings, 1968-1970 State Board, reports, 1967-1971 Voters' Service, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1964-1966 Voters' Service newspaper clippings, 1967 "Juvenile Services in Nevada", by League of Women Voters, 1970 League of Women Voters (LWV), 1966-1970 League Convention Workbook, 1967 April League 50th Anniversary State Convention, 1969 League Convention: Reno, 1973 League Convention Workbook, Action, 1971-1973 League Human Resources Committee Meeting with Dr. J. Mason, 1968 The Legislative Newsletter, 1965-1969