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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ / / m r THE ANGELBREAD FOUNDATION THE SANDS HOTEL \ LAS VEGAS, NEVADA mmmm Dudley 2-7100 m ' time because they felt this was such an un- usual project they would like to see how it develops and work along with us, 6, Once a mix has been evolved by General Mills to the satisfaction of Regan Bakeries, and to the satisfaction of the Sisters, as far as taste and quality are concerned, then we will go to work in Los Angeles as our first big test market. General Mills has its newest plant in L*A, which can help cut down the cost of the mix, and which can also sup- port us in distribution and promotion. The big project here is to get a good baker, and we are now working with Regan and General Mills' officers on the selection of such an outfit. SUMMARY I feel the meeting with General Mills is the turning point in the entire ANGEUTA BREAD FOUNDATION project ?╟÷ for without a big outfit like this to help us, I could only see months and months of struggling in each new market to push the sales up to a paying point, and I don't believe I could have handled this all alone as we have been doing in the past. We are now up to almost 30,000 loaves a week in the Minneapolis area for a net return to the hospital of about $1200 a month. With General Mills behind us now, I can visualize setting up one market after another quickly and with much less struggling and with much more return. I believe we have to just go along with General Mills and Regan Bakeries on a "building" program, and cannot expect huge full-page ads by General Mills or lavish expenditures of advertising from them right away. But I believe we have made a wonderful marriage and 1 recommend that we go along on a working basis with them without any clear-cut contracts or stipulations as yet.