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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS NEWS BUREAU TO* Bluffs Times Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY FOR FORDMEN?╟÷ {L. to R.) Mr. and Mrs. ,vX?╟? J. Blanlos, Bluffs, 111. and Mrs. and Mr. Lee Gronning, Delta, Utah, were among more than 1,000 Ford gar salesmen and their wives hosted,to a 4 day fun holiday at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas by the Ford Motor Company recently. The couples enjoyed a full entertainment schedule in the "Entertainment Capital of the World." including a Mexican Night Party complete with native Mexican dishes and muxic by a Mariachi band. -30- LAS VEGAS NEWS BUREAU TOsHeber Wasatch Wave Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada LAS VEGAS HOLIDAY FOR FORDMEN?╟÷(1. to R.)?╟÷Mr. and Mrs. Heloin Wright, Heber City, Utah and Mrs. and Mr. Garth Sargent, Collville, Utah, were among more than 1,000 Ford car salesmen and their wives hosted to a 4 day fhn holiday at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas by the Ford Motor Company recently. The couples enjoyed a full entertainment schedule in the "Entertainment Capital of the World." including a Mexican Night Party complete with native Mexican dishes and music by a Mariachi band. -30-