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Goldfield Women's Club Constitution p 3


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    By Laws.Article 1.Department of Work.The departments of work shall comprise the following:Literature,Music,Art,Social Service,Civics, Additional departments maybe added on the application of five members to the Board of Directors.Article 2.Duties of Officers.Sec.1.The president shall preside at all meetings of the club andshall enforce a strict observance of the by laws of the club. She shallact as Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall be ex officio amember of all committees and preform such other duties as may pertainto her office.Sec.2.In the absence of the president or in the event of her re_tiring from office the office of president shall be filled by the vicepresidents in the order of their rank.Sec 3.The second vice president shall be chairman of the programcommittee.Sec 4.The recording secretary shall keep a record of the minutesof each meeting of the club and shall have custody of all reports, books and papers of the club. She shall keep in a book provided for that pur pose the names of all members past and present of the club. Sec 5.The treasurer shall receive all dues issuing membership cards for the same. She shall pay out moneys on the order of the Board of Dir ectors or by the majority vote of club members at any meeting thereof. She shall keep and file alil vouchers for all disbursements of money and shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures. She shall present a written report at every regular meeting of the club showing the receipts and expenditures since the last report and the balance on hand : and at the annual meeting on the fourth Thursday in April she shall present a complete report of the receipts ans disbursements for the year.