Archival objects in this container: East view from preparation building showing pellet storage building, magnesium oxide silos, neutralizing tanks, and metal producing plant (right): photographic print, 1942 June 24 Preparation building, showing installation of No. 4 rotary kiln and brick tunnels No. 5 and No. 6 under construction: photographic print, 1942 June 24 Preparation area, showing pellet storage building in foreground, with rotary kiln and tunnel kiln portions of preparation building and magnesium chloride tanks (left): photographic print, 1942 June 24 West view from top of preparation building, showing preparation office, salt storage, crusher and dryer building and primary peat storage buildings No. 1 and No. 2: photographic print, 1942 June 24 Cell building No. 2, showing structural steel roof members installed ready for application of APM roofing: photographic print, 1942 June 24 Showing tractor loading salt on track-grizzly, and portion of conveyor to brine tanks: photographic print, 1942 June 24 South view of cell unit No. 1, showing completed exterior of chlorinator building and construction progress of recovery buildings 1-A and 1-B: photographic print, 1942 June 24 Southeast view of cell units No. 7, 8, 9 and 10, showing furnace shell installation complete and progress of steel erection: photographic print, 1942 June 18 Preparation area, east view, showing construction progress of salt storage and handling building: photographic print, 1942 June 18 Southeast view of preparation area, showing from left to right, pulverizer building salt and coal bins, raw magnesite silos, shredded peat storage building site under construction, and sub station No. 5: photographic print, 1942 June 18 South view of cell unit No. 1, showing completed installation of APM siding and roofing and construction progress of recovery buildings 1-A and 1-B: photographic print, 1942 June 18 Showing progressive stages of construction on four thickener tanks in neutralizing plant: photographic print, 1942 June 18 Showing completed concrete pouring of two magnesium oxide silos, with neutralizing clariflocculators and thickening tanks (right): photographic print, 1942 June 18 North view of salt storage and handling building, showing erection of roof trusses Peat drying area in background: photographic print, 1942 June 18 Preparation are, showing completion of roof sheathing on primary peat storage building No. 1, and first stages of roof truss erection on building No. 2 (left): photographic print, 1942 June 18 West view of preparation area, showing pellet storage and handling building in fore ground, rotary kiln and tunnel kiln portion of preparation building (center): photographic print, 1942 June 18 Showing completed excavation and footings on hospital building, and erection of concrete tile walls in progress: photographic print, 1942 June 11 Northwest view of preparation building, showing progress of steel erection of tunnel kiln and rotary kiln section: photographic print, 1942 June 11 Construction progress at primary peat storage building No. 1, showing walls nearing completion: photographic print, 1942 June 11 South view of cell unit No. 1, showing APM siding and roofing nearing completion and first stages of construction on recovery buildings 1-A and 1-B: photographic print, 1942 June 11 West end of kiln tunnel in preparation building B-2, showing masonry progress: photographic print, 1942 June 08 Interior view of cell renewal building showing completed installation of vacuum pumps, catch all, vacuum tanks, and process piping reading for operation: photographic print, 1942 June 08 Interior basement view of cell unit No. 1, showing chlorine piping (right), parallel to electrolysis cells, and (left), chlorine pipe to filters and blowers: photographic print, 1942 June 08 Interior view of liquefaction building mezzanine floor, showing completed cooling tower installation : photographic print, 1942 June 08 Interior view of cell building No. 2, showing hooker cells in place and cell liquor-brine-hydrogen-chlorine piping: photographic print, 1942 June 08 Load More