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^ f r For Water Clark , cou nty com m issioners yesterday set O ctober :19 -as the date w h e « affected residents w ill decide oii fo rm a tio n ' of- the Las Vegas valley w ater district; On the date o f the long-aw ait ed election, eeitsri^esaiSents also w i lt y o te fo r t o n e director tin their division to represent. them in a h oard com prised from the seven divisions. ; Jr? Com m issioners yesterday also nam ed candidates' fo r each of' the seven divisions from a list o f names proposed,fey the chain her n f cmppajerce. Jjjifcg ? ; l^ d x icii^ A tto rn ^ , Hqbiert E. tajeS; -sail®, q ^ iip a | vdtg|s n i l ive tw o tp q p p o s^ ^ is to ^ c i # O ne-^eboald t t e w ater district be created t w o - vote fo r on e candidate to re p resent them in their 'particular division. . Generally^the follow in g 'idivis ions w ill h e created, and voters from -th ese divisiaf^ w ilh y b te on ,creation o f the S t r i c t and for | (yre- 'd irector. T h efe w ere P itt-pnai, g W hitney, Akm y. air .base, N orth Lbs Vegs&;*3ms Vegas, Paradise V alley a n d the "highw ay 91 strip. p - p Candidates nam ed b y com m issioners to run w ere H airy M iller and f l a y d fiS w e lis dHvkjop 1; Frank Strong, T hom as A . Campb e ll and R y ^ n d T aylor j division 2; James <jjnfthg|an. and H oward Cannon, diVtsjeh S' G. WiHfam Coulthard a ^ sV ictor Shjirtleff, division .4; L orin ilfflnnow tend A1 Corradetti, division 5; f e n c e r |Butterfield, N elson C onw ay and- H. C. Nickerson, d ivision 6, e n d John B unch and .John S tafford, division 7. ter - Plans fo r the com prehensive w ater district w ere proposed to! provide ten adequate w ater sup-: p ly fo r the cou nty’s grow ing pop-: ulation. ' . . , :>?. - jj i Under- the program , the district d irectors w ou ld; be charged w ith all w ater consum ed in the area, take over the -holdings o f the Las V egas Land and W ater com pany and coordinate all se rv ices. •3U-—