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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. L. A. White; Vs bars requested authority for the construction of vater mains to serve third unit of Southrtdge Addltloa, Las Vegas, being developed by Southrtdge Development Co. Bovara & Hassett, general Contractor, on behalf of the Southrtdge Developaent Co., has deposited with us check #785 la the amount of $6 $6kO which we have to-day taken Into our accounts to covor the estimated cost of materials for this project and wilt, upon execution of usual refund agreement and prior to construction of the sains, deposit an additional sun of $3,760# or a total of $10 ,400, which is the estimated cost of labor and materials required in the construction of linen to serve the development. las Vegas - February 8, 1951 V 23-1-68 If. H. Johnson