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    WAGE STABILIZATION BOARD m % * REPORT OF INCREASES IN WAGES, SALARIES, AND/OR OTHER COMPENSATION See accompanying instruction sheet before completing this form This report is to be filed with the nearest office of the Wage and Hour Division of the U. S. Department of Labor within 10 days after increases are made effective under sec­tions 1, 2, 3 of General Wage Regulation 6. In the case of executive, administrative, and professional personnel, and outside salesmen, the report is to be filed with the Wage Stabilization Board. NOTE: Any doubtful question of interpretation and application should be raised with the Wage and Hour Division, as agent for the Wage Stabilization Board, before com-pleting this form. Do not write in this space DOCKET NO. DATE REC’ D. W-H W.H REF. NO. W-H OFFICE DATE REC’ D. WSB I-G E N E R A L INFORMATION COMPANY NAME LAS YSOAS LAID AID WATER COMPABY MAIN O F F IC E ADDRESS (Street or R. D. No.) (City, Zone, State) 422 West Sixth Street. Los Azuceles 14. California TELEPHONE NO. TRinity 9211 ADDRES S (ES ) OF E S TA B L IS HM E N T (S ) INVOLVED IN THE INCREASE DESCRIBED BELOW 401 South Second Street. Las Texas. BCrada TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ON PAYR&LL OF E S T A B L 1SHMENT( S ) WHEN ADJUSTMENT WAS MADE 16 INDUSTRY (Furniture, PTinting, Machinery, etc, ) Public utility TYPE OF E S TA B L I SHMENT (Factory, Mine, Wholesaler, etc.) Retail eater dietrl Nation ____ veil St ending Mayo, 1951____. M PRESENT PRODUCTS HANDLED OR SERVICES PERFORMED (List principal items only) Veter R E TROAC T IVE D A T E . I F ANY for Knit 1 April l, 1951; 'and libit 2 April 7» 1951 the following increases were agpreeed REASON FOR S E L E C T I NG R E TR O A C T IV E DATE ly the President c* Ar>ril 12, 1981_______________________________________________________________ ID E N T IF Y AND DESCRIBE THE U N I T ( S ) FOR WHICH THE INCREASE WAS MADE AND EXP LAIN THE REASON FOR TH E IR S E LEC T ION We fcam selected two units (l) Office forces and Attendants, and (2) Maintenance forces because of the different character of work performed.__________________________________________ I I - BASE PERIOD LEVELS: Furnish the information requested below for all employees in the unit(s) described above, for the first regular payroll period ending on or after January 15, 1950. WHERE INCENTIVE, COMMISSION OR BONUS EARNINGS HAVE BEEN PRORATED TO A PAYROLL PERIOD, THE MANNER IN WHICH THE PRORATE IMS CALCULATED TOGETHER WITH THE REASONS FOR THE USE OF THE PERIOD CHOSEN, SHALL BE FURNISHED ON AN ATTACHED SHEET. UNIT li> FIRST REGULAR PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING ON OR AFTER JAN. 15, 1950 ENTER MONTH, DAY AND YEAR FROM (2) TO TA L EMPLOYEES ON PAYROLL ACTUALLY WORKING IN APPROPRIATE UNIT _________ (4 )________ FOR WAGE EMPLOYEES. TO TA L HOURS WORKED (S) FOR WAGE OR SALARIED EMPLOYEES-TOTAL EARNINGS AT STRAIGHT TIME - ( 6) A - FOR WAGE EMPLOYEES - AVER-AGE STRAIGHT-TIME HOURLY EARNINGS .(Col. 6 f Col. 5) B - FOR SALARI ED EMPLOYEES-AVERAGE STRAIGHT-TIME EARN­INGS FOR P A Y RO L L PERIOD COVERED (Col. 6 ? Col. 4) ( 7 ) _____________________ (1) Office Corses and Attendants Jan. 1,1950 Jan.15,1?50 (2) Malntenjaaoe fores Jan.1^.1950 Jan. 20,1950 4 7 2 229 $498.77 $258.57 $1,043 per hour $1,129 * •