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    connections) Fatima FORM 30-1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) WORK ORDER AUTHORITY—Detail of Estimated Expenditures _______Las Yogas Land and Water Company__ .m«t--< _______department Las Vegas* Nevada division ________May 13 _SMKCTS -19, 61 President’s No. su«' Nevada location: l&8 Vegas, Bevada DESCRIPTION OF WORK: COnStrUCt j}6 LF of 8*, 610 LF of 6* Cast Iron water mains and 2$ LF of 6tt Fire Hydrant n Vslo„ion 8ertion No connections to serve Industrial Area west of UPRRCoJ A Eight of Way and south of Charleston Boulevard. ' — J -1008. R.AND E. ACCT. NO. •B* ’ITEM Sew Addition QUANTITY Construct J6 LF of 8 and 610 LF of 6* iron water mains at pense of Suhdivtder, Subject to Refund 8* east iron pip® 6* « * tr Valves and Fit tings Labor p Contract Labor - Installing Arbitrary Percentag Construct 25 LF of Hydrant connections expense of Subdivide^ Donation- not suhjee 6* Cast iron pipe Fittings Labor Contract Arbitrary Percentag to Re as UNIT UNIT COST dun a. LF BOTE? Dan H. Plunkett is developing Indus right of way and sou Las Vegas, Nevada, pursuant to Bevada P Rule Bo* 9* Subdlvi^ to cover cost of the head and supervision of revenue from sale service from water m 10 year period or un (exclusive of fire hi 2.50 1.70 LABOR MATERIAL TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO INVESTMENT ACCOUNT OPERATING EXPENSES 110 Llowing t of watler mains Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By-------------------------- Date ' .. ------------------------------------ Approved . _ ». .Approved •When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.