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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ¥ 23-6 Hr* E. E. Bennett: Referring to the proposed new schedule of Hates, Roles and RegOl&tloiis to he filed with the Public Service Commission for approval* 1 have gone over these and respectfully suggest consideration he given to the following changes: Eliminate •tariff Ho... Containing* from the title sheet* Chairman Allard of the Public Service Commission advises while it is customary for the Railroads to file by tariff numhsre, this is not the case with Utilities, and their rats schedules are Identified by the date effective* The proposed Schedule of Rates appears to be generally satisfactory with one or two minor exceptions which will not affect the total revenues appreciably: Rate Ho. 22 - County Court Bouse $9*58* Our original rate schedule provides for #8*33 per month but in the past year they have added a new 2-story addition on the east side of the Court Bouse and it would Appear that a rate of #15.00 per month would be equitable* Rate Ho. 36 - County Jail, free* Suggest this classification bo eliminated as the County Jail is In the basement of the Court Bouse and its rate would be included in Rate Ho* 22 referred to above*; - ... Hate Ho. Parka, City* ©sere is a small City Park at 8th A Charleston. Suggested rate #10* Rate Ho* by - To avoid controversy as to what const!totes a rooming house and what constitutes a hotel, suggest this be consolidated with Rate &»• 32 to read, •Hotels, Lodging or rooming houses*. Hate Ho* A8 — Suggest the words "less than* be inserted in Item (h) after the word "occupying* * Las Vegas - December 8, 1950 In RUles and Regulations: Suggest elimination of last paragraph on page 8 inasmuch as Rule Ho. 6 provides the owner of premises be charged with all water services*