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    2 Las Vegas Review-Journal Thursday, March 6,1947 Lawmakers Expected I n Las Vegas Today Will Inspect Basic Project, Boulder Dam; Delay in Session Seen as Result of Junket By Robert bennyhoff CARSON CITY, Match 6 (UP)—A large number of the members of the Nevada legislature were enroute to Las Vegas this afternoon at the invitation of the southern Ne­vada city’s chamber of commerce to inspect Basic Mag­nesium Inc. facilities. ?) id Only brief sessions were held by the two houses of the legisla­ture this morning. Both ad­journed after a few minutes of discussions until Monday. Meanwhile, many legislators criciiized the Las Vegas' invi­tation for coming so late in the session. They pointed out that although the senate is up to date on pending legislation, the assembly' is not. One senator said "this trip practically in­sures at least IQ days extra ses­sion beyond the 60-day consti­tutional limit." The lawmakers will inspect Boulder dam and BMI facilities at Henderson. Bills are now pending in the legislature calling for construction of a state-owned generator at Boulder dam and purchase or lease by the state of BMPs vast plant facilities. Following a joint meeting of the assembly ways and means and senate finance committees: with a Reno businessmen’s group, the legislators, indicated “we’ll do what we can” towards appropri­ating more than $400,000 more for support of the University of^Ne­vada than the school was given1 by the 1945 legislature. The assembly passed the 2- ceni cigarette tax levy by a 33-5 vole after^ a healed debate on the merits of a sales tax. Two measures calling for levy-; ing of a state sales tax are now1 being drafted,-one in the senate! and one in the assembly. The lower house, defeated the so-called full crew train law which would have required ad­dition of a flagman to crews operating single or light en­gines on the state's railroads. Vole on the bill was 22-14. The occupational disease and industrial insurance measures, al­ready passed by the senate, were approved speedily and unani­mously by the assembly and sent to the governor. He was expected to sign both bills.