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I agree.V Pipe lin e crossin g track. Los Angeles, C a l., Aug. 14, 1905. F ile 613. Hr. A. I . Jones, D iv is io n Engineer, ' ' ? r " ? m • . . ? . ; ' ? ' " - ? , ? I . ; Las Vegas, le v . j Dear S ir : / Mr. Branson,who has Been re p a irin g the jo in ts o f the Vegas pipe lin e , says he b e lie v e s one o f the causes, i f not the sole cause, o f the pipe leak in g below the tank is because wheakit passes under the tracks in the yard i t has an in s u ffic ie n t coverin g o f earth over i t and the v ib ra tio n s from tra in s goin g over i t tend/to disturb the jo in t . At one place he says a t i e rested immediately over the pipe and the pressure from tra in s had fla tte n e d i t . ^hi^/pipe he rotmded out again. To r e lie v e the pipe from pressure o f passing tr a in s , I wish you would have t ie s so spaced in the track that none r e s t immediately over the pipe, and also put in short s trin g e rs over the pipe to carry the track- across i t . Redwood s tr in g e r s , i f you have any l e f t over from surplus tunnel tim ber, would be best fo r th is purpose, but you v/ill use whatever s u ita b le ones you have on hand. A l l th is should be done without d elay in order th at the cement jo in ts in the pipe may not be cracked again. I send you a rough sketch to explain the suggestion. Yours tr u ly , egt- lrt enc C hief Engineer.