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I agree.He: Lae Vegas Ranch - Water for Stewart Burial Plot. Los Angeles, Bee. 19, 1939. File 174-2. Mr. Walter R. Bracken: I have copy of your letter of December 17, 1939, to Mr. Jeffers, your file W 18-1-12, on the above subject: Xt Is my personal opinion that we should not make any settlement with these people at the present time. I do feel, however, that something should be done with respect to furnishing these people water in view of the opinion given by Mr. MoNamee In his letter of August 26th. X had been inclined to take an opposite view, but In view of Mr. McNamee's familiarity with the Nevada law X'think we should be governed by his opinion. I hope, however, some way can be worked out to see that they secure the required four inches of water without a great deal of expense. E. E. Bennett. Copy to Mr. Leo A. MeNamee EEB.-FC