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I agree.AVERAGE HOURLY EARNINGS SOURCE: U»8. DEPT o OF LABOR, BUREAU OF LABOR STA TISTIC S (1) 8 E R V 1 C E S Services & Retal1 Trade Combined Average Cleaning & Dyeing Power Laundries Hotel 8 Average Retail Trade (1 ) ( 2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (C) 19^0... $.422 $.332 $.414 $.542 $.478 1941... .441 .348 .433 .568 .500 1942... .486 .386 .482 .614 .548 1943°. . 8 0 0 8 0 0 a 6 4 9 .549 .541 .550 .670 .610 1944.°. ----------------- .724 .620 .505 .616 .724 .670 1945.°. ...... .770 .660 .550 .660 .773 .716 1946°°. ...... .831 .700 .612 .714 .878 .796 1947... .769 .661 .776 .991 .884 1948..° . . . . . . .944 .820 .712 .825 1.067 .946 1949... a ? o a a e a 987 .843 .746 .859 1.102 .980 Note: Xn determ ining average hourly earn ings fo r S e rvice s and R e ta il Trade combined, column (6 ), equal weight was given the S e rv ice s average and R e ta il Trade; i , e °, column (6) equals column (4) p lu s column (5) d ivid ed by 2. (1) P u b lis h e d in 1949 S t a t i s t i c a l Supplem en t to th e S u rv e y o f C u rre n t B u s i n e s s ,. B. S . D e p t. o f Commerce , B u rea u o f F o r e ig n an$ D o m estic Commerce, Page 7 9 .