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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 1991



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    Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor July 1991 Tammuz - Av 5751 Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Schedule of Services Friday, July 5th 7:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, July 12th 7:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad | Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, July 19th 7:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday, July 26th 7:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Remember... that Services in July & August will be at 7:00 p.m.!!! CABARET Again this year we will all meet at Spring Mountain Ranch to celebrate the Sabbath together. On August 9th we will meet under the stars one hour before the-1 performance for services and to share a picnic dinner. A long standing hit, CABARET continues to delight audiences the world over with such wonderful hits as ?Money, Money? and ?Life is a Cabaret?. Join us to escape the hot August nights of Las Vegas into the cool starry meadows of Spring Mountain Ranch State Park. Tickets can be purchased at any library. Please get your tickets early. Unfortunately, last year many of our members could not attend because they sold out very early. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! YAHRZEITS July 5th Jennie Adler Violet Advocate Meyer Benedict Bernard Bernstein Anna Kalish Sam Krashine Jacob Lader Yetta Panken Eugene Schramm James F. Stone Sadie Stromberg Charles Weintraub July 12th Abraham Herman Rose Joffe Ethel Silverman July 19th Joel Scott Berger Rose Freedman Albert Goldstein Alex Geistern Marvin Kohnen Dora Kramer Robert Levy Pearl Roth Samuel Stahl July 26th Henrietta Bromson Leroy Cherry Jane Gittleson Jennie Goldberg Gertrude Katzman Benjamin Kishner Jeanette MillerCongregation Ner Tamid Pictured above from L-R are Dr. Hubert Locke, Father Patrick Leary, Dr. Vern Mattson, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Dr. Franklin Littel, and Dr. Leonard Weinberg. Rabbi Akselrad serves as advisor to the Governor?s Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust. Pictured above with Rabbi are scholars who participated in the Governor?s Conference on ?The Universal Implications of the Holocaust? held in Reno April 23-24. Over 400 educators from across Nevada participated. It is customary to donate flowers for the bema during the High Holidays. For this Mitzvah contact the Temple office at 733-6292 Congregation Ner Tamid Gift Shop 2761 Emerson Ave 733-6292 ?Your Best Place to Shop? For cherished traditional and modern Judaica gifts you?ll be proud to pass down from generation to generation. We have ?New Year? cards, Rosh Hashanah is September 8th this year. For any special order call Phyllis Lewis at 458-8119 or Mary Fox at 456-4452. President's Message Thank you all for the confidence you have shown in allowing me to serve as your president. I will do my best to live up to your expectations. I want to extend a special thanks to Eileen and her board for the fine job they have done. I welcome the new board. I am proud to serve with all of these well-qualified people. The main goals I have set for myself and the Temple for this year are: 1. A growing membership is the livelihood of a Temple. I want a membership increase of 20% . We are lucky to have Dyane Kohnen as the membership chairman. She will do a good job. 2. I want the Board to make a real commitment to be very active and partake in all Temple functions. This will be an example for the members and they will become more active. 3. The first impression is the most important. We must beautify our main entrance and do the ongoing maintenance to bring the building up to 1st class condition so we can feel proud. 4. Lastly, we need to keep adding new programs to satisfy the needs of all our members. Special recognition to Rabbi Akselrad, who has worked so hard to implement our preschool which will open in the fall. Well - that?s it! I can?t do this by myself so I?m asking for everyone?s support and participation. Thank you again for your confidence. I THINK IT WILL BE A GREAT YEAR!! If you have any suggestions or wish to get involved; please let us know. Contact the office and let your interest be known - there is room for you all to help. Cal Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ???????????????l YISKOR MEMORIAL BOOK As in the years past, we will remember our beloved deceased with a special Memorial Booklet to be distributed on Yom Kippur. At the same time, we will be supporting the religious, educational, and cultural programs of Congregation Ner Tamid. Please print each name as you wish it to appear in the booklet and return to us before August 30th. Line basis 1/8 Page 1/4 Page Half Page Full Page $5.00 per name $18.00, with three names maximum $35.00, with six names maximum $50.00, with inscription of your choice $100.00, with inscription of your choice Print inscription as desired for half or full pages: Mail to: Yiskor Memorial Book Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 From:- Amount Enclosed: J Pape 3Congregation Ner Tamid Help Needed on Loan Guarantees In early September of 1991, the government of Israel will ask the United States government to approve a package of loan guarantees to Israel - $2 billion per year for 5 years - to assist the Jewish State to absorb the massive influx of Soviet immigrants. Members of Reform congregations and members of ARZA are urgently requested to write their Senators and Representatives and to request that they support the loan package. Approval of the package is a matter of utmost urgency for the State of Israel. The current economic climate and tensions between the American government and Israel on political issues are likely to make passage of the loan package difficult. Securing approval of the loans will require nothing less than a massive mobilization of the American Jewish community, and we hope that the Reform movement and ARZA will lead the way. Letters should be addressed as follows: Senator (Harry Reid or Richard Bryan) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Representative (Barbara Vucanovich or James Bilbray) House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 We suggest that your letters stress the following points: 1. Helping Soviet Jews is a humanitarian issue, and should be kept separate from other political issues in the Middle East. 2. The U.S. Congress and Administration played a major role in bringing about the immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel, and their arrival in Israel is an important American foreign policy success story. However, those who have fled Russia to seek freedom in Israel must now be absorbed if this foreign policy miracle is to be completed. 3. Israeli citizens are bearing most of the burden of absorption. Their government has allocated $6 billion for these purposes next year, more even than the allocation for the defense budget. As a result, Israeli citizens are paying some of the highest taxes in the world. 4. Many countries - including Israel - have routinely asked the United States for loan guarantees. These are neither loans nor aid. The United States is being asked to co-sign a loan to the State of Israel from a commercial lender. The cost to the American taxpayer is very small, only a few percentage points of what the loan guarantee amount is. Substantial American spending would be required only if there were to be a default, but Israel has never defaulted on a loan. 5. By approving the loan guarantees, the United States Congress will be building on the work that it has already done for Soviet Jewry. Having achieved the right of Soviet Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union, it is only logical and humane that the United States should help the State of Israel provide the immigrants with housing and jobs. The loan guarantees are a vehicle that enables the U.S. to achieve this goal at minimal cost to the taxpayer. We ask all those who belong to Reform synagogues to write their representatives now, urging their support for the loan guarantees when they are requested this fall. Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid f THANK YOU ] To Michelle Benedict for the donation of a preschool car. To Lillian & Gerald Mandel for the donation of 3 books and 1 talis. To the Weissman Family for the donation of a dot matrix printer. To the Klamian family for the donation of the silk flowers for the bima. ^ .......................... ^ (r --................................. ^ Reminder... It is Temple policy that dues be paid three quar?ters before High Holiday tickets can be distributed. Please pay your dues. -------- ----- JJ (c \ UAHC GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO BE HELD IN BALTI?MORE IN 7997 The Union of American He?brew Congregations will hold its 62nd General Assembly from Oc?tober 31st - November 4th, 1991 in Baltimore. Join workshops and study sessions to explore the theme of the conference: ?THE REFORM JEW: VALUES, PRACTICES, AND VISIONS.? Delegates from UAHC congregation will vote in plenary sessions on resolutions that greatly affect our Reform Jewish community. Mark your calendars now! For more infor?mation contact Rabbi Akselrad. ^---------- JJ NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE?n In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Richard, at 434-8547. ^ "Hillel Guide to Jewish Life on Campus" This resource book is now available for anyone who would like to refer to it. Contact the Temple Office at 733-6292. \ ?>) High Holiday Choir Now Forming The year has just flown by and be?fore you know it, the High Holidays will be upon us! Our choir which graces our pulpit throughout the year will be beginning rehearsals for the High Holidays starting this June. If you would like to be a part of our High Holiday Choir here is your chance! Rehearsals are on Monday nights from 7-9 p.m.. For more information call Shirley or Art Gellin at 457-6320. We will see you in the choir! ^ ? JJ Rabbi Akselrad would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever pos?sible, particularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital, or nursing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospitalized, so please call the Temple of?fice to let us know when you are going into the hospital. Office # 733-6292. Vs New Members! It is customary that we ask all new members to please purchase the ?Gates of Repentance? for the High Holidays. This was all our members will have their own High Holidays books. Our books on hand Eire very limited. The cost for each book is $20.00. Contact the office as soon as possible at 733-6292. i ...............J fr ............... ^ New Members Robert & Patricia Gittelson Michael Shure Blaine & Melody Benedict ^ JJ r.Attention 1992 1 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parents: If your child is a candidate for a 1992 Bar /Bat Mitzvah and you have not contacted the Rabbi to select a date, please do so by call?ing the Temple office at your ear?liest convenience and asking for the Rabbi?s secretary, Sheryl, at 733-6292. ^ ...... ...-J (? ...................^ WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? The Shade Tree, an over?night shelter for homeless women and women with children in Las Vegas is looking for volunteers to work one day per month (3 hour shift). If you are interested, please contact Teresa Canfora at 361-4184 or Kim Perron at 791-7616. ^ ?.......... Page 5 Congregation Ner Tamid Start Saving Your Saleable Items Garage Sale Coming! October 6th Used (or new): Appliances, Furniture, Art objects, Kitchenware, Clothing, etc. (J If you have a truck or van, please volunteer to help us for a day or two this summer. Contact the temple office 733-6292 fr tr At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to syna?gogue members who enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 so we can schedule your hon?ors on a convenient day for you. ?r ? # ? ' * !! Fireworks For Sale!! The Brotherhood will be sponsoring a fire?works booth at the 7-Eleven on Desert Inn and Boulder Highway. They will be selling fireworks from June 27th until July 4th. Hours are 10.?00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Buy your fireworks from us! WM V J/ 5 SCRIP C CAN R RAISE I INCOME P PAINLESSLY DELIVERY AVAILABLE. PURCHASE SCRIP DAILY AND FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER SERVICES IN THE TEMPLE OFFICE 733=6292 WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE: SMITH?S, VON?S, 6 ALBERTSONSI Preschool Teacher Needed Fun Qualified Responsible Deper mined Call Temple Office 733-6292 Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid f Ai ANNIVERSARIES Blaine & Melody Benedict Allan & Amy Boruszak Leo & Renee Diamond Bruce & Susan Einhorn Jerald & Joanne Gold Tom & Marla Letizia Thomas & Dorothy Rodgers Sheldon & Barbara Rosenberg Edward & Mozella Seltzer Leonard & Chris Simon David & Bette Stahl Thomas & Donna Stuart BIRTHDAYS C.J. Akselrad Samuel Akselrad David Allazetta Ronn Berger Clifford Bernay William Bossak Mara Braun Matthew Bulavsky Charles Cleveland Rachel Michele Cleveland David Daitch Marni Diamond Jennifer Dias Honii Edlow Cory Hughes Erickson Allison Etcoff Gordon Fink Michael Glasser Rebeccah Diane Glicken Marvin Glovinsky Barry Goodman Jeffrey Gordon David Gross Adrian Havas Marie Cuglietta Havas Jay Herman -...... D (r ~ ? ^ Remember A Loved One With High Holidays quickly approaching it is tradi?tional to honor our loved ones by placing a plaque on the Temple?s Memorial Candle. Since our space is becoming very limited and it takes 6 - 9 weeks to receive the plaque after it is ordered, we suggest that you consider this remembrance now. This is an everlasting tribute to our dearly departed. Please contact Ruth at the Temple office, 733-6292, for fur?ther information. ^............... ..... fir............................................................^ TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library. 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100. 3. Floor scrubber or $150. 4. Commercial stove with grill top. 5. Fire-proof Filing Cabinets 6. Vacuum Cleaner. 7. Dot Matrix Printer. A- --------------------J BIRTHDAYS cont. 1 Jared Hogeg Stuart Kallick Charles Kallick Ryan Kaner Debra Karlin Jason Katz Hester Katzman Eric Kessler Eileen Kollins Louis Kravitz Jessica Lehman Cheryl Lewis William Mahon Rita Moses Malkin Dena Mann Katherine Meoz Gail Miller Rona Mintz Amanda Mutnick Harold Naiman Danielle Naiman Bernard Nathanson Norm Pena Joan Poster Jeremy Poster Charla Rauthause Norman Roth Bella Schwartz Edward Seltzer Mozella Seltzer Nathanial Serlin Lillian Shapiro Irvin Sherman Paul Shlisky Brian Shure Shannon Silber Leslie Simon Donna Stuart Andrew Urban Florence Weinstein Lisa Weissman Oops... we missed A Hazel Herman in June! I,Congregation Ner Tamid fr \ Remember! Register for Religious School Now... Space is Limited. fr ~ ~............ ^ Tell & Kvell Laurie McRitchie was in?ducted into the National Jr. Honor Society at Cannon Jr. High School. She also made the Green Valley Drill/Dance Team. (r ^ Sandy & Roger Ewan would like to thank the well wishers upon Roger?s appointment as Dean of Students at Cimmaron- Memorial High School. ^ ? -? D Religious School Aides Interested in being an aide in the religious school? If you meet the following criteria, please contact Jeanne Schomaker at the Temple. 1. Must have a B average or above in school. 2. Must have completed the 8th grade in Religious School. 3. Must currently be in?volved in our Temple youth program. 4. Must either be currently enrolled in, or have completed our confirmation program. Applications will be ac?cepted until July 1st. k:------ ------ J) (f ------- ^ Remember the 7th grade will be meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. starting inSeptember. k ? -.. J Religious School Wish List 1. Printer - compatible to Apple II series. 2. Toys for Preschool 3. Library Books 4. T.V. &VCR 5. Art Supplies 6. Five more classrooms need mini-blinds. 7. Refrigerator for Preschool. ! ! ! ATTENTION I ! ! Las Vegas? Congregation Ner Tamid Preschool. Opens September 1991, Do not miss the opportunity... Enroll now in this brand new and exciting program. Open to the entire community. ages: 3 to 5 years old days: monday, Wednesday, and friday time: 10:00 a.m. 'til 2:00 p.m, Contact the Temple office at (702)733-6292 ! ! ! REGISTER NOW ! ! ! Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid (f ^ Sisterhood Tributes From Barbara & Dick Rosen to Andrew Gratz, Congratulation on your Confirmation. From Barbara & Dick Rosen to Judy Kolline, Congratulation on your Confirmation. From Barbara & Dick Rosen to Michele Diamond, Congratulation on your Confirmation. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Mrs. Doris Burns, Sympathy on loss of husband Harry. From Janis, Drew, David & Denise Rounds to Esther Corben, Happy 75th birthday. From Ida Aberman to Natalie Shaw, Wishing a speedy recovery. From Ellie & Irving Joffe to Judy Kolhns, Congratulation on your Con?firmation. From Ellie & Irving Joffe to Joel Feldman, Congratulations on your Confirmation. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Alan Stone, In memory of Mother. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Natalie Shaw , Wishing you well. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Marni Diamond, Sympathy on loss of your Mother. From Bernice May to Marni Diamond, Sympathy on loss of your beloved Mother. From Sisterhhod to Marni Dia?mond, Sympathy on the loss of your Mother. From Dyane, Sig & Jeremy to Marni Diamond, Sympathy on loss of your beloved Mother. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Marni Diamond, Our sincere sympa?thy on the loss of your mother From Hortense & Sam Alper to Marni Diamond, Our sympathy to you and the family on the loss of your mother. From Dyane, Sig & Jeremy to Michael & Rachel Cherry, Mazel tov on daughter Meryl?s graduation. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Frances Klamian, Mazel tov on your daughter?s Bat Mitzvahs. From Hortense & Sam Alper to Irene Gold, In honor of daughter?s recovery. V (c~.................- - ^ AN OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS: As we enter the second half of 1991 and Congregation Ner Tamid enters it?s CHAI year, one of the many bright spots is how our youth department continues to grow and prosper. We have many active groups designed to meet the needs and interests of all Jewish Youth. N'iT'Y (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is for grades 9 through 12 and T.N.TEENS is for grades 6 through 8. We have two ITTY BITTY groups designed for grades 2-3 and 4-5. All our groups have qualified and professional leadership but to ensure continued growth and suc?cess of our youth program, we must have the support of our parents. To that end, we invite you to our PARENT COFFEE AND DESSERT OPEN HOUSE. This will give you an opportunity to meet the staff, hear about our pro?grams, offer suggestions and meet other parents. The Temple Youth Activities program should be a vital part of your child?s life. I urge you to attend. Our Parent Coffee and Dessert Open House will be on Sunday August 18, at 7 p.m., at the home of our newly appointed Youth Director, Dottie Gross. Call Dotty at 456-4117 for directions. I look forward to seeing you at our Parents Only party! Regards, Randy Spoor Youth Activities Chairperson. ^ J) ( GOLDEN CHAI 1 For our first June meeting we had the joy of hearing Pauline Livenstein play the piano for us. What made it so special is that Pauline is 101 years old and still has nimble fingers and the ability to play jazz and old songs. She cer?tainly made us aware of the impor?tance of keeping active in our retire?ment years. We wish her many more healthy quality years filled with the joy of music. At this writing we are looking forward to hearing from Charlotte Kiffer who is a professional media?tor. She will educate us about re?solving disputes - though of course we never have any! Our first July meeting date falls on Independence Day, so that meeting has been can?celed. We trust that our members will be enjoying July 4th with fam?ily or friends. On July 18th we will resume, and Dr. Lewis Etcoff will be our guest speaker. We are delighted to have temple members share their talents and/or expertise with us. Golden Chai will be joining hands with Temple in a major fund raising venture - a garage sale - to be held on October 6 in the social hall. We trust that temple mem?bers and Chai members will donate large quantities of saleable items for this event. Remember that your castoffs can be a wonderful source of income for us. Also, if you have a truck or van, please help us by vol?unteering a couple of days driving to make pick-ups. If you have items that you cannot keep till October, we do have some storage space available at temple. Please contact the temple office for more informa?tion, We will all appreciate your cooperation and help in make this event a huge success. Shalom, Helen Zliser President ^ -- -Congregation Ner Tamid DONATIONS General Fund From Eileen Kollins to Joan & Leslie Dunn, congratulations on the engagement of your son, Bruce to Dawn Laxton. From Eileen Kollins to Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Kreisler, in honor of engagement of son, Kevin to Tsipi Goeta of Israel. From Charles & Donna Thomas & Sons, enjoyed friday night services. From Helen Mendelson to Lora Riemer for your good health & quick recov?ery. From Eileen Kollins & family to Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Newmark, in honor of son, Jeffrey?s graduation as Salutatorian of Bo?nanza High School, with honors. From Michael & Toby Edelman in memory of Charna Goldbrenner & Yitzhak Goldbrenner. From Ken & Linda Schnitzer & fam?ily to Roger Ewan, congratulations on your promotion to Dean of Students at Cimmaron-Memorial High School. From Mrs. Lucille Altman to Mr. & Mrs. Blumenfeld, Happy 60th wedding anniversary. Max?s 80th birthday, Mazel Tov! From the Ken Schnitzer Family to Alan Stone & family, condolences on the loss of your mother. From Kenny, Linda, Larry & Allison to Mr. Abe Corman, Mazel Tov & all our love on your 80th birthday. From Jeanne, Peter & David Schomaker to Alan Stone, condolences on the loss of your mother. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy to Dotty & David Gross, Mazel Tov on your new busi?ness. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy to Dana Pretner Fox, Mazel Tov on becoming Se?nior Class President. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy to Natalie Shaw, wishing you a speedy recovery. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy to Alan Stone & family, in memory of your mother. From Sig, Dyane & Jeremy to Roger Ewan, congratulations on becoming Dean of Students at Cimmaron-Memorial High School. From the Dr. Stephen Chenin family to Alan Stone & family, with deepest sym?pathy on the loss of your mother. From Art & Shirley Gellin to Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Blinderman, in memory of your father. From the Glovinsky family to Alan Stone and family, in memory of your mother, Ruth. From Eileen & Judy Kollins to the Diamond family, in memory of your mother, Jen Taylor. From Meadows Chapter of ORT to Alan Stone family, in memory of your mother, Ruth. From the Gratz family to Mr. & Mrs. Feldman, it was very sweet of you & ex?tremely neighborly. From the Gratz family to the Dia?mond family, in memory of mother Jen Taylor. From the Glovinsky family to Cal Lewis, congratulations & good luck on be?coming President of Ner Tamid. From the Glovinsky family to Eileen Rollings, congratulations on a job well done. From David Schomaker to Jeanne Schomaker, congratulations mom on be?ing elected President of ORT... again! From Sheryl Kogan & Charla Rauthause to Jeanne Schomaker, good luck on your new appointment to the National Board of Womens?s American ORT. From Your National & District Boards to Jeanne Schomaker, her Executive Board & Committee Members of The Meadows Chapter of Women?s American ORT, con?gratulations on a very successful year, 90 members & growing. Keep up the good work! From all of us in the Meadows Chapter to Jeanne Schomaker, we?re proud to have you represent us on the National Board of Women?s American ORT. From The Meadows Chapter Women?s American ORt Membership Committee to Charla Rauthause, the ?Hostess with the Mostess.? Our new member teas will never be the same again! Prayer Book Fund From Rona & David Mendelson to Ethel & Leo Beigelman, in honor of 50th wedding anniversary, Mazel Tov! From Syd & Joy Cincinatus to Miss Rose Cohen, in memory of our dear Aunt Ida Cohen. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fiend From Libby & Bud Raynes, in memory of Dora & William Weintraub. Preschool Fund From Eileen Kollins in honor of Judy?s confirmation. From Mary & Jerry Fox, Ryan & Dana to Roger Ewan, congatulation & wishing you success in your new appointment as Dean at Cimmaron-Memorial High School. From Mary & Jerry Fox, Ryan & Dana to Abe & Evelyn Fox, wishing you a speedy recovery. From Mary & Jerry Fox, Ryan & Dana to Natalie Shaw, wishing you a speedy recovery. From Grade & the Commissioner to Cal Lewis, wishing you much success as President of CNT. From the Lewis Etcoff family to Alan Stone family, in memory of mother, Ruth. From the Spoor family to Idie & Harper Klamian, congratulations on your B?not Mitzvah. From Jay & Terri Herman to Scott & Lee Schreiber, congatulations on the birth of your daughter, Beverly. Tree Certificate From your friends at REMAX Advan?tage in memory of mother, Beulah Ahlbrand. From Evelyn & Herman Feldman to Jerry Brill & Feldman families, in memory of Janie Brill, she will be very much missed. Building Fund From Cantor & Mrs. Irving Green to Max & Ida Blumenfeld, happy 60th wed?ding anniversary & Max?s 80th birthday. DF.SERT VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6767 West Charleston, Suite E Las Vegas, NV 89102 DENNIS ZACHARY, President (702) 870-0711 STEVE &DELLY THE SINGING BJ'S MAKE YOUR PARTY FABULOUS!" OUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. DINNER SHOW. 2. SPECIAL DANCES, GAMES, CONTESTS, & $76 IN PRIZES. 3. PERSONALIZED CANDLELIGHTING, POEMS, & MUSIC. 4. OCCASIONAL "LIVE*? SONG STYLINGS. 456-5452 This SpAcE cOuLd Be YoUrS!!! call 733-6292 (702) 737-7275 (800) 648-0677 ALAN S. MANN Associate Vice President, Investments *)) DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. First Interstate Tower, Suite 800 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89109 Page 10 LEATHER KING FURNITURE 100% TOP GRAIN LEATHER Boettcher & Company a division of Kemper Securities Croup, Inc. LEATHER KING 3507 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 1 Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 734-7212 Three KOSHER Meals daily. Private & Semi Rooms. nn\4F Transportation. Housekeeping. Medication Monitored. 732-3575 Family Atmosphere. Please call the ANNEXSTEIN Family for information concerning the placement of your loved ones or yourself. 732-3575 or 255-3835. Glenn Raynes, C. P. A. Glenn Raynes, CPA, Chartered CLARK-WASHOE BUILDING, SUITE 1 500 SOUTH THIRD STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101r 5751 1991 * IULY tammuz av SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JUNE S M T W T F S .j 19 TAMMUZ 2 20 TAMMUZ 3 21 TAMMUZ A 22 TAMMUZ 4 f? 23 TAMMUZ 5 24 TAMMUZ 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice CANADIAN DOMINION DAY Temple Office Closed INDEPENDENCE DAY 7:00 p.m. Servioes ft 1 Pinchas 7 25 TAMMUZ g 26 TAMMUZ 9 27 TAMMUZ 10 28 TAMMUZ 29 TAMMUZ 12 1 AV 13 2AV 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice 10:00 a.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Services ROSH CHODESH ? i n Malot/Masei 14 3AV ^ P 4 AV 15 16 5 AV 17 6 AV 18 7AV 19 3 AV 20 9AV 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice 12:00 noon Golden Chai 7:00 p.m. Servioes Devarim SHABBAT CHAZON ?0 EREV TISHA B'AV 2 10 av 22 11 av 23 12 AV 24 13 AV 25 14 AV r\r\ 15 AV 26 27 i6av TISHA B'AV 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice 7:00 p.m. Servioes ? i E3 Va 'etchanan Q0 SHABBAT NACHAMU 28 2Q '8AV 30 19 AV 31 20 AV AUGUST S M T W T F S V 6:30 p.m. Outreach Meeting 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3^ TEMPLE BOARD Cal Lewis..................... .......................President Gerry Gordon............ .......V.P. Administration Dyane Kohnen........... ..........V.P. Membership Jay Poster................... ......V.P. Ways & Means Alan Mann.................. .V.P. Religious Activities Denise Schnitzer........ ..............V.P. Education Sheldon Rosenberg .... ........................Treasurer Janis Rounds............... ....Recording Secretary Bob Unger................... ...........................Trustee Ron Worth................... ...........................Trustee Don Eisner................... ...........................Trustee Hortense Alper........... ...........................Trustee Sandy Ewan................ ...........................Trustee Lois Doctors................ ...........................Trustee Randy Spoor............... ...........................Trustee Scott Schreiber........... ...........................Trustee Dotty Gross................. ............................Trustee Rita Malkin.................. .....................Sisterhood Sig Kohnen................. ..................Brotherhood Helen Zliser................. .................Golden Chai Stephanie Bernay...... ..............NTTY President Eileen Kollins............... ...............Past President Kenneth Schnitzer...... ...............Past President Dr. David Wasserman. ...............Past President Dr. Steve Kollins.......... ...............Past President Michael Cherry.......... ...............Past President Leo A. Wilner.............. ..........................Advisor Gilbert Shaw............... .........................Publicity Rabbi Sanford Akselrad.....................Ex Oficio 1 Ruth L. Fite................... ........Executive Director Ccpgregatioi) Ner Tartjid Tan *i3 n9rp ___________The Reform Synagogue of Lee Vegas Affiliated with the Union of American Hebrew Congregation 2761 Emerson Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89121 733-6292 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, Nevada Permit No. 682