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    Mr, V* & Mr. R. 1 Armstrong, Adamson: has Angeles, Hov. Si, 192 9. I have the following self explanatory letter from Mr, H. C, Mann under date Bovemfoer Stud: "Referring to Vice President*s letter dated May £4,1987, relative to assembling of complete information for all water stations: •W# have already incurred considerable expense compiling reports for water facilities at various stations, copies of which have been furnished to various Interested departments• The instructions as issued, provide that after initial report is developed, the Superintendents are charged thereafter with the duty of making proper check of the facilities, policing the property and keeping the records up to date. "Up to this time 1 do not know of any corrections that have been made in the initial reports as compiled, and it is suggested, therefore, that Superintendents foe Instructed to furnish annual report to indicate corrections necessary for each water station for which water reports have been furni­shed* This report can be submitted shortly after the close of each year and should indicate clearly the additional facili­ties constructed during the 18 month period preceding and all modifications made to the existing plant* It should aiao indicate the extent to which recommendations contained in formal report have been complied with and further recommenda­tions covering new situations that may develop regarding pro­tection of the water rights* "ilth the submission of these reports which will be supplemental to the original reports, the records can be kept this subject, to which reference is made above, accompanied my letter to you Hay 27, 1927* is suggested in my letter of that tote, I wish Mr. Adamson would undertake the final preparation of these supple­mental annual reports after securing necessary tota from the Superin­tendents. M r. Armstrong will please instruct the Superintendents to afford such assistance and furnish such information as U r. Adamson may desire* fairly well up to date• "Will you kindly arrange*" A copy of the fi.ce ^resident’s letter dated May 24, 1927 on F. H* Knickerbocker CC-Mr.a .s.Halsted