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    p F%%. V\ Hr Application No. 10508 Cffcir jM MMJli m 9 di audit & M >GUOS j~y p* o CertifiDc’a-'ht e R!e» cto» rdW NOo . £F+l'8.S8 r-2f 9? ® B h£I < cc t-> Q o - age M ° CD OJ ??J fc ® O t?> g3>q a> c+ n?> tfei S ' H* O Qd £0 <t> <4. CD THE STATE OF jSjEVADAis ^ ,.q ? g H £ S*> C4-lQ Cf Book 9 2829 »b h<no CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATION atI il ii w il CJ? fQi $11 Q |4 h".’ fej# fcP • .0 0 ( 8 0 CD Q fcj* t;n cj. G h tT b* f OH OH Mp4 ^3$ £gQ, f(jp|> tfij }CJD$ o14 Whereas, Las Vegas Land and<jfel§3g jftttp presented to the State Engineer of the State of Kffe^dTa-PrBjdf c-osf-Application of Water to Beneficial Use, from An Underground Source (Las Vegas Valley Artesian Basin) through pipelines for Municipal Supply and Domestic purposes. The point of diversion of water from the source is as follows: i ] j | ® CD In the SEi Nli MS e* c. tOiTo* n fi+3i 1,o ?Tnonwiihvsh hip 20|'S&,In 1 R4a-Vnig^Oe 0 3I OS a, or at a po^pt frbm which! thefR £§ P # 0:8' © Sou nfea,r , 1 St axem? ™ 61 E., M.D.B.&M,, H E.i Corner of said Section 31®bears! 5. | 3 ©^ ks 30" E., 993 feet, situated infpiarkf of Nevada. of o \—» Now know ye, that the State I^inee^siintfU>er ions of Section 72, Chapter 46, Stai^toes«*o||, 5fp3g* h mined the date, source, purpose and s^ountjlf iWeh ftoolgleotwhse:r with the place to which sue®o.f! wap| ehj1i dPq. C%Dp| «I I Ir * I ^CO h<f* H* H» Name of appropriator: Las Vedas Watei^^fepa# I i3 <D £3, © ffl o ® I-Q Js ? Post-office address: Las Vegas, ^evadTa" , Q, es. 08 CD g g |_g ,ats h^ds- e&^|eyg-i g-WtHo appropriation, irte^dKh*t tto ’j (-D fk: bP o o o jVJ ctl Amount of appropriation: 0.96 c.f.s. Period of use, from January 1st to December 31st of each year Date of priority of appropriation: , May 20, 1940 Description of works of diversion, manner and place of use: I vfi I Water obtained by means of a case<jl well 801; feet deep, thence conveyed through IKK) feet of transite pipe to a settling basin; thence through 24 inch steel pipe and 24 inch transits pipe for a distance of approximately 1,540 feet to a 2,500,000 gallon concrete reservoir. Water is drawn from reservoir for municipal supply and domestic use through the pipe­line system owned and operated, by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company. Place of use us in the N^ SW£ and SEj- of Section 27; SEi of Section ^33, all of Se©- tion 34 and the NWj of Section 35, Township 20 S., Range 61 E., M.D.B.& M. The right to water hereby determined is limited to the amount which can be beneficially used, not to exeeed the amount above specified, and the use is restricted to the place where acquired and to the purpose for which acquired. iH In Testimony Whereof, I Alfred Merritt Smith, State Engineer of Nevada, have hereunto set my hand and the s'teaX,of my offiee, this 5th day of Xanuarjr, AD, 1945. S/ .ALFRED MERRITT SMITH__________;______ State Engineer ( S E A L )