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Cornet 5-10-25^ Stores 411 Array Parkway Pasadena 1, C a lifo rn ia A tten tio n : Mr, Joe Cornet, J r. Dear Sir:- E e fe rrin g to your l e t t e r o f August 11, concerning charge fo r water f o r ooolin g r e fr ig e r a t io n machines. ¥© have corrected our record to in d ic a te a to ta l o f ?5 tone as stated in your l e t t e r . September 12, 1952 As the rules and regu lation s o f the Water Company, approved by the Public S ervice Commission o f Nevada provide *Water rates w i l l fee charged fo r a l l services whether the premises are occupied or not u n til such s e rv ic e s h a ll fee, in w r itin g , ordered d iscon tin u ed .0 The in s t a lla t io n o f & separate lin e to the r e fr ig e r a tio n equipment would not r e lie v e you o f the charge f o r ooolin g water unless a l l s e rv ic e s to the b u ild in g are in w r itin g , ordered discontinued. As we p reviou sly advised you, the charge fo r water fo r coo lin g r e fr ig e r a t io n machines, as set fo r th in our rate schedule was, in the absence o f meters, based upon tonnage o f the r e fr ig e r a t io n equipment being used* The rates which were approved fey the Pu blic S ervice Commission o f Nevada apply equ ally to a l l types o f water cooled r e fr ig e r a t io n machines regard less o f the purpose f o r which such machines are used or the p erio d and number o f hours per day in operation. As you no doubt know, the laws o f the State o f Nevada p ro h ib it the use o f meters. In other c it ie s throughout the country meters a ffo r d a basis o f charging each customer fa r water a c tu a lly used. However, u n til such time as meters are perraitted in Las Yeg&s, water f o r r e fr ig e r a t io n units must be b ille d on a tonnage basis.