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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr. 0. X, (karri Uw Vagal - January 11# 1951 W 2>l-32 «o - Hr* 2* g» Bennett - fta*# m u Httlidterdt . _ Referring to your letter * enoloeing m « n a eogfr eheeaoeenatb,e r* 2»2*nd Ut,op ,s e26m2 9S^l volctk h1 ,B , TrA.a etS a4l,t esBaoau.l dceorv Searimn Hgo wwaeetietre ,aaln# ? T-Okoi- trjsrr** ?' ' w *&® oovleoIln otha&rt n reegfotuinadt#i toinnsd ewri tt2h& H* r«a grSeaeltmneansta w. ouhSoA he aade only fyos revenue received from camsy&er® pursuant to a\®* rI pnheolnoee lcvoon veenrds a3t9 iotno hI 6h oIvnec liunssievre.t eda,n d fallowing the word *cus toners* In line 2* paragraph %r n^0 y *^cltt83-vf » *» t£h»e* »o ap1 leteo 8of i ithree laagerle^eemaendt forwarded to ne with Hr* Bennett*# letter of 2o» In m i yam please Insert the above provision your espies of the agreementt X# Bt Johnson