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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lob Angeles, January 28, 1942 Mr. A. C. Spencer: You may be Interested In the enclos­ed article by a Mr. Clarence M. Hawkins of the Auburn Bar with respeot to the ownership of water In California and Nevada. I note that one of these oases re­ferred to (citations to neither of which are given) Involves the State of Nebraska. It may be you are familiar with this particular case. I am sending a copy of this letter, as well as the clipping, to Mr. McNamee and am asking that he advise with respect to the case pending In the United States District Court, District of Nevada. If the Government could successfully contend that waters under the states vested In the United States under the Mexican cession of 1848 It might follow they could successfully contend that oil likewise vested In the United States. The Nevada case might be of par­ticular Interest to us In connection with the water rights which we claim to have under the state law of Nevada. E. E. Bennett. Copy to: Mr. L. A. McNamee End. E£B:d