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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD V I C E P R E S I D E N T WILLIAM COULTHARD B E C Y . - T R E A S . HARRY E. MILLER E. O TTO UNDERHILL JAMES CASHMAN JO H N BUNCH Officers and Directors THOMAS A. CAMPBELL PRESIDENT LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 900 SOUTH STH STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Telephone 5920 June 13, 1951. I0% FILE B-2805 HOWARD F. CLARK C H I E F E N G I N E E R A N D M A N A G E R P. O, BOX 1448 O ’Melveny & Myers, 433 South Spring St., Los Angeles 13, California. Frank Hamilton: . , . , , t ine l-ss Vegas Land and «atei limshed us today with the following excerpt from their to operate in the City of Las Vegas: Company has "franchise8 PERMIT LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY 03 1 7 PASSED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE ON THE _21_ DAI OF February 1930.CITY OF LAS VEGAS ,t0‘ °f P1P'lineS “ d — « * THE PRIVILEGES HEREBY GRANTS) TO SAID PERMITTEE SHALL 2 5 “ or SAW PERMITTEE, m S g g B g da5 F i m < 5 0 > M AND * A ? S ^ 2 m r i F S HLRE0F* PROVIDED SAID PERMITTEE SHALL TH ffiEnfm ER^TrSnS THIS PSm& vR ANY RIGHTS S S S f S S S L S ™ 0 0 7 THE C0N3ENT 0F W E BOARD OF CITY £ E S 5 f t t £ m ° -m “ ™ SI “»» Very truly yours, Howard F. Clark