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    IAS VEGAS LAND AND "WATER COMPANY List of original documents to be delivered by Las Vegas Lend and Water Company to Las Vegas Valley Water District, in accordance -with item 1(a) of Exhibit MGM of Agreement dated June 1, 1955# covering sale of water production, storage and distribution system at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Las Vegas Valley Water District# D a t e o f D o c u m e n t G r a n t o r s R e c o r d i n g D a t a - C l a r k C o u n t y # N e v a d a R e c o r d * A u d i t D a t e B o o k P a g e N u m b e r R e c o r d e d N u m b e r N u m b e r N u m b e r BASEMENTS GRANTED SO LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY 5-21-4T 4-10-43 > 8-26-431 10-15-43n William S. Park and Mary Belle Park and Mary E# Dutton b Roy E. Shipley and Beryl Shipley, Elmer A. Nelson and Elisabeth Nelson, Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Co#, a corporation Trustee, and Allied Building Credits, Inc# ^ 6- 11-43v Ed# W* Clark, A # E« Cahlan, A# C* Grant, and El Eneanto A p t s # , Inc# 7- 24-43/Las Vegas Development Go#, M# M# Sweeney, Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Co#, Trustee, Security Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego and Allied Building Credits, Inc•/ 8* 4*43/Ernest Allen and Nellie Allen, Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Co#, a corporation Trustee, Bank of America National Trust & H Savings Association / do V Huntridge Development Company (organized by Thomas A#0akey, Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Co#, Trustee, and Bank of Ameriea Natl# , Trust & Savings Association W 2»13*i4.3 v Colorado River Exploration Co#, Ltd#sj 2-13-43v/A*W«Ham and Alta M# Ham, W# E# Ferron and Ruth Ferron, Forest R# Mildran and Grace Ganey Mildren, and Colorado River Exploration Company, Ltd# v 12-15-43/ Pauline Kline / il.lO-4 .3J/ioard of Education of Las Vegas Union School District, acting for and on behalf of Las Vegas School District No# 12 1/ 12—18*44/v* Gray Gubler and Loreta N# Gubler, et al (39 signers to the / instrument) / 7-24-45 \/A* E# Tiffany and 0# A# Bell \J 9* 8—45 /william S* Park and Mary Belle Park, Mary E# Dutton and Robert E# / Dutton / 1*25m+ & 'l Opaco Lumber & Realty Co# 11 5-28 6-15-46^Clark County Dairyman, Ino# \/ 45*4 4575 4582 4590 4597/ 4598 y 46i8 / 4623 / 4624 > / 146I43 y 8-22-41 117435 6-23-43 167251 8* 6-43 1 169406 28 441*2 476-7 58-59-60 9 - 7 -4 3 ^ 17 0 5 7 6 / 20 / 107-8-9 / H 10- 4^.43 v/ 172139 \l 20'S, 133-4*5 v 1 0 - 4- 4.3 / 17 2 14 0 / 2 0 / 1 3 5 - 6 v / 11- 10-43/ 173691/ / 20 y 196- 7-8 / 11- 23- 43/174200 y 2o y 2 13 .14 / 11* 23.43 y 174199 / 20 y 212-13 ^ / 1-24-44'/176453 20 / 314-15 / 4651 y 1- 24-44 /176449 / 20 y 313-14 - — w n w fw # v# V V # V' -29-WHurray Wollman and Agnes Wellman and Nate Mack and Jennie Mack / -28*lJo Edw# J# Hoey, Jr# and Leona Hoey, et al (23 signers to the instrument) 4747 y 4769 y 4783 /> 4807 y 4808 / /l|822 / " 3- 23-45 / 194685 / / 38 / . 36- 7- 8-9 y 8- 8-45 /201642 / 22 y 292 / 9- 28-45^/^04486 y 2 2 ^/ 389-390 y y 2-18-46/214789/ 23 y 124-125,/ 2-18-46 / 214790’/ 2 3 -/ 125-126 ^ 6— 4 4 6 v 224191 / 23 / 354—355 / 8 - 5^46^/229855/