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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L a s Vegas * J u l y 6 § 19$L Ur* Aeinhsr&tt W 5*6-1 A n ticip a tin g we w il l receive P ublic S e m e s Ccvrdeeion approval of an increase in water rates in the near fu tu re , i t w i l l he necessary that we re vise a l l of our service records* in vo lvin g mppQZtm&ttitep %Bt000 accounts. computing m m rates and a d ju s tii^ our record of advance payments* ^ r -W ,- I I ! jmkpnim tmhme lma>tmtemr rreepprreesseennting |15*000f in order to correct our records to & current basis* In addition* i t w ill be necessary that we advise nest o f our customers the new a p p lied !# rates* fe assist in th is work* t request a u th o rity to etapLoy two a d d itio na l StencMJlsrfcs a t tU b O per hour fo r period of 3 months commencing Ju ly 16* l§ 5i . i^ lc y s o it of th is add itio na l force in advance of forms! approve! o f the increase w ill enable us to m a te ria lly reduce the vdutte o f work when the new rates are determined* Form 2120* Ho* approve!* J ib is attached and 1 recommend w« H* Johnson