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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Water pressure- -Las Vo ga s» ^5-s-° Mr. H. 32. W ells, General Manag er| B u ild in g . Dear S ir :- R eferrin g to your l e t t e r o f /uly 27th., 1909, upon the subject, o f inadequate water pressure at Vegas f o r watering passenger coaches and also upon/the Vegas pipe lin e g e n e ra lly . As I mentioned, in my le tte jr of March 19th la s t , the present coach watering service/pip e is too small and should be removed and a pipe o f f i v e or L i z inches diameter su b stitu ted One o f f i v e inches w i l l d e liv a r three times as much water as the present three inch piptT^^ k With referen ce to the mairt nipe lin e from Vegas Springs . j l f y y i i X j to the yard, you are advised that I submitted a rep o rt and estim ate some weeks ago to the S pecial Committee f o r a rein ­fo rced concrete pipe o f eigh teen inches diameter to be la id be tween those p la ces, and have to-day received a u th ority to prepare a form $3.0 fo r such bettemjient. Mr. Jessup knew I had recommended the la y in g o f a re in ­fo rc e d concrete main which p o s s ib ly occassioned i t s recommen­dation by him to the Operating Department. Yours tr u ly ,