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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - May 20, 195& mORAI@M_F.CE- .FILE On May 17* 195^# Mr, Mel Sohroeder, who I understand is in partnership with Mr, Ernest A, Banker, in the development of the Charleston Heights Subdivision, came into my office to discuss water main to serve Units Numbers 1, 2 and 3 of their Subdivision, In studying the maps available in my office, it developed that Mr, Becker had previously furnished me with a map of Charleston Heights Tract Ho, 1 end Tract Ho* 3* which is split up into two separate maps, but that Tract No, 2 had not yet been furnished me, I also called Mr, Schroeder's attention to the fact that I had not yet received application for water mains to serve his Subdivision which he promised to send me at an early date, ir, Sohroeder stated that he was not interested in being provided with water service at the present time, but was primarily Interested in ascertaining the else and location of water mains to serve all of the tracts, Hoe, 1, 2 and 3« Me Inspected a map furnished me by Mr, Adamson which was dated August 2$, 1953# and wrote down sizes of pipe lines indicated thereon for each of the streets in Unite Numbers 1, 2 and 3* factory with the exception of the li ne Ist hoawpnp eaasr e6d B tio n mDei gtgoe rb e Stsraeteits,­which I thought should be 8B instead of 6**, He mad© a note of this, 2 discussed with Mr, Sohroeder the question of bringing the water from our existing elevated steel tank and pointed out to him that Mr, Adamson*s plan, referred to above# indicated a pimp­ing station near the elevated tank, approximately 2800 feet of 2hB concrete cylinder pipe In Charleston Blvd,, and approximately 2600 feet of 12B pipe which would be required to reach his Subdivision, and asked him if Subdivider would be willing to pay for the con­Msrt, r ucStoihorno eodfe r thsetsaet eldi nteos meas tihnatd ichae tweads onn optr iinntt erdeastetde dA uignu stth is2 6tpho,r­tion of this project and he had a copy of the Public Service Com­mission* s Order in the Becker case in which the Commission ordered the Las Vegas Land and Water Company to extend its mains to M s Subdivision at their own expense. Subsequent to Mr, Schroeder’s visit, I looked up the order in the Becker Case and find that the Water Company was ordered to extend its mains to Charleston Heights Subdivision in accordance with its Rule 9 of its Rules and Regula­tions and to supply water, etc., which leads me to think that Mr, Sohroeder was in error in making M s statement, or had been mis­informed. This entire matter was discussed this day with Mr, Cory, who suggested that since I had not yet received one of his Subdi­vision maps that I take no further action until further advised by Mm, since he proposed to discuss the matter with Mr, Coulthard, who is representing Mr, Becker and Mr, Sohroeder, L, R, Maag