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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, September 21, 1955 to November 20, 1957, lvc000010-124


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    3 Marion, Julius & Gladys 710 Van Buren Ave.,L.V. 1020 3500 172 1,119.13 4 Smith, James & Juanita 704 Van Buren Ave., L.V. 590 3000 150 562.15 5 Smith, James & Juanita 704 Van Buren Ave.,L.V. 590 4590 150 562.15 6 Conway, Willie & Effie 700 Van Buren Ave.,L.V. 710 3270 151 806.02 7 Bullock, Dewey & Etta 1521 "G" St., L.V. 710 1170 366 839.70 8 Same as above 590 1170 365 595.82 9 (E 4') Same as above 50 90 354 47.66 9 (W 46') Harris, Mary 711 Harrison, L.V. 540 850 353 548.16 10 (E 4') Same as above 70 110 355 61.75 10 (W 50') Collins, Grant & Ida 715 Harrison Ave.,L.V. 850 1180 356 1,043.11 BLOCK 26 H.F. M. & M. ADDITION 3 Longs, John L.&Lucille 712 Jackson Ave.,L.V. 1160 2750 l8l 1,229.82 4 Same as above 590 149 555.86 5 Harris, Azlee 706 Jackson Ave., L.V. 590 149 555.86 6 Same as above 710 2100 148 799.73 7 (N 100') Fair,Rhodia 701 Van Buren Ave., L.V. 510 1220 166 596.13 7 (S 40') Jones, William & Beatrice 1413 "G" St.,L.V. 200 165 200.00 8 Jones, William J. 1413 "G" st., L.V. 590 1630 149 555.86 9 Cannon, Jodie & Emma A. 307 Van Buren Ave.,L.V. 590 655 149 555.86 10 Same as above 1050 l80 1,050.00 BLOCK g7 H.F.M. & M. ADDITION 2 Turman, Earl & Marie Irene 708 Madison Ave.,L.V. 440 4500 178 610.93 3 Same as above 590 1440 173 744.91 4 Same as above 590 2550 146 562.59 5 Burdens, Edgar Leo & Mary 704 Monroe Ave., L.V. 590 1360 146 562.59 6 Burdens, Mary 704 Monroe Ave., L.V. 710 900 147 806.47 7 (pt) Taylor, Ben & Lucille 115 Madison Ave.,L.V. 510 330 358 578.71 7 (E 40') Williams, Chas. & Celeste 1311 "G" St.,L.V. 200 600 357 221.03 8 Bowles, Alvin & Thelma 709 Jackson Ave., L.V. 590 950 149 555.86 9 Johnson, Eddie & Manda 711 Jackson Ave.,L.V. 590 3380 149 555.86 10 Hill, Charlie & Alberta 715 Jackson Ave., L.V. 1180 1500 179 1,293.00 BLOCK 28 H.F.M. & M. ADDITION 2 Taylor, Henry & Marie 716 Madison Ave., L.V. 560 2340 113 734.02 3 Maraj, Ramsarut & Lula Belle 712 Madison Ave.,L.V. 590 4740 114 738.17 4 Turman, Earl & Marie Irene 708 Madison Ave., L.V. 590 1950 115 555.86 5 McCoy, Magnolia 1201 N. "G" St.,L.V. 590 1135 115 555.86 6 Same as above 710 1135 116 799.73 7 Bailey, Margaret 1223 "G" St., L.V. 710 1950 103 806.47 8 McGhee, Maxine 705 Monroe Ave., L.V. 590 1220 102 562.59 9 Hughes, Willie & Ester 709 Monroe Ave., L.V. 590 1510 102 562.59 10 Fitzgerald, H.P. & Virgie L. 713 Monroe Ave., L.V. 590 2085 101 744.91 11 Same as above 470 2085 100 655.06 BLOCK 29 H.F. M. & M. ADDITION 2 Harris, Flenerte & Earlie Mae 718 Jefferson Ave., L.V. 710 550 246 858.04 3 Grove, James & Nancy 1023 "D" St., L.V. 59O 1290 114 738.17 4 Smith, Mary V. 712 Jefferson Ave., L.V. 590 2440 115 555.86 5 Harris, Andrew J. & Elmore, Florence McCanta, Dorothy Mae 704 Jefferson Ave., L.V. 590 2755 115 555.86 6 Same as above 710 2755 116 799.73 7 Hamilton, Hemlet & Naomi 701 Madison Ave., L.V. 710 830 ll6 799.73 8 Same as above 590 115 555.85 LOT # PROPERTY OWNERS REALTY IMPROVEMENTS FORMULA FINAL COST 1-4-56