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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Bcc - Mr, G. A. Cunningham - Salt Lake Mr. J. W. Godfrey - Salt Lake Mr. T. E. Hammill- Los Angeles*---.- Mr. C. M. Cory - Las Vegas M m Mr. G. J, Clark - Las Vegas APR 7 §04 April i> 1964 (Lae Vegas* Nevada) Downtown Expressway Mr. W. C. Renshaw* Chief Engineer and General Manager Las Vegas Valley Water District 919 West Bonanaa load Box 442?* ?. 0. Annex Las Vegas, Nevada T . E. H. APR 7 1964 Dear Sirt Referring to and supplementing my letter of April 1* 1964, relative to the proposed relocation of your water line in the vicinity of the Interstate No. IS and Downtown Expressway Interchanges fleas® be advised Mr. T. E. Hammlll of our Land and Tax Department is handling directly with the Nevada State Nigh way Department concerning all easements in the vicinity of Interstate No. 15 and Downtown Expressway Interchange, in Las Vegas, Nevada. All future inquiries aid decisions relative to easement exchange will he handled by Mr, Hammill* cci Mr. W. 0* Wright State Highway Engineer Department of Highways Carson City, Nevada Attention! Mr. Louis K. Koonta, Assistant RIght-of-Way Engineer Very truly yours* ORIGINAL SIGHED W. B. GROOME W. 1 Grooms Superintendent