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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, September 13, 1937. 9315-355 Mr. R. L. Adamson: Mr. Bracken sent you copy of b is le tt e r to me dated September 13tb, in which he has reviewed the Las Vegas water situation, covered by your le tte r to me of July 39th, f i l e 30-6. There is no question in my mind but what sooner or la te r we should have a storage reservoir at Las Vegas, in order to properly protect the summer requirements. I wish you would have an estimate made of a reservoir of 3,000,000 or 3,500,000 gallons capacity, so that an appro­priate item therefor may be included in the 1938 budget. In the meantime, I should lik e your recommenda­tions re la tiv e to suggestion made by Dr. Boyle and Mr. Bracken, that we pump or blow the large artesian w ell, to relieve any possible sand pressure. As a matter of course, i f we can restore the flow o f water from the artesian w ell to substantially what i t was when the w ell was f i r s t brought in, it would greatly re liev e the present water shortage at that place. F. H. Knickerbocker