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    r K * „ ‘ jH* Crocker <$, Co’s Print, SaC. *c V I 4s S\ rfl /Z) l « t t l l f fit E rJjlC O lll, ss. B efore the Clerk o f the Seventh J u d icia l D istrict '? **? | * Court appeared .............. ...who being d u ly sw orn , upon his oath Hectares, £/2>a£ it is bona fid e h is in ten tion to becom e a (3-SpCITIZEN O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A , ^ ) an d to ren ou n ce fo rev er a ll alt egia n ce and fid elity to a ll and a n y F oreign P rin ce, P otentate, State and S overeignty, w h atever; and p a rticu la rly to the ^ C—^7 . y e / , / u ____, ^ ? . . % / y ? l / s s / ' / o f wh&u/ he is at p resen t a *2/ / m m m L y y s |ubscribqd m i §fwom to, before m e, th is th e..... Qg.JP.ZyZ '//.................. d a y o f Z Z / V 1. D 1 / / / J / / / A/y///y/f y <// // // Clerk. Deputy Clerk. I 9 ./fl. \ y../ / L y./ Z sgC ..^—-........C lerk o f the Seventh J u d icia l d is tr ic t Court, in an d f o r the C ounty o f L in coln , the sam e being a Court o f cord, h a vin g Com m on Law ju risd ictio n , a C lerk an d Seal, do hereby cer- ‘ . thatthe fo rg o in g is a tru e cop y o f the O rigin a l D ecla ra tion o f In ten tion M M r 'ZA ./.r to becom e a C I T I Z E N O F T H E U N IT E D O F A M E R I C A , now upon file in m y office. To attest and certify which, I have hereunto set my hand, a,nd affixed the Seal of said Court this....\* Z Z /Z ._ _.s._._...... day of / sZ -fP fz/ ; ?. H.±A.D. 18 7 Clerk. Deputy Clerk.