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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V ? i ;f ' fA. NOy. 7, 1912, Water furnished outside parties at East San Pedro— Mr, H, G, Nutt, General Manager , Dear S ir: I have your le tte r of the 2nd In st. Of course B a il-road Companies are not supposed to deal in commodities; but it would appear from the f i l e that the furnishing of this wat­er was a mere edndxtiron, and it seems to me under the circum­stances we would be ju s tifie d in charging the rate prescribed by the Los Angeles city ordinance without adding freight charges thereto » This ruling is based upon the understanding that the cars of water were not shipped at the instance of the persons to whom they were subsequently delivered, but were actually transported fo r our own use» I return herewith f i l e . H-G Very truly yours, A. S. HALSTED