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    (BOO- Hr, G. P. Ashby Mr. 2. 2. B e n n e t t . Mr. 2. A. Blende Mr* A. M. Polger) Movember M t l$hS. Mr. Berry X. Miller, President, l»ee Togas Talley Water District. •\y4o eyV'Jaaptell Xeelty Company, 135 South fourth Street, rNslPi lee Tegss, Xebida. Beer Mr* Miller? ftl* communication refers to the Meting held on Wednesday, Sores* ter 2hth, which wee attended by the following: las Yearn* Teller Satar District mrsciort jfo&f1 , JUla. J» • Barry S, Killer, President We. Selnhardt fen Campbell, Vies President /sees Cashnan 2. 0. Underhill At this meeting there wee a greet deal of discussion, first, as to the legal peel ties end responsibilities of the District St restore, end per- tieolerly with regard to their entherlty te aefce expeaditnres fer engineering ead ether tnvastlgation* necessary fer e eeavreheasive prograa of Efcstriet development ead te deteralne the eoet of this development* second, the setter of arranging fer a survey by a esacetent firm of water sersiee engineers te develop the inferaatiea, recommend e program, end estimate the eeet of the development contemplated by the recent election. la connection with the determination of the Board's legs! peel tips, it wee agreed that a careful legal investigation would be aade by the Board's legal representatives, sssleted by the legal Department of Union Pacific, cad that thlc investigation would be undertaken promptly ee that should any addi­tional legislation be aeeesesry It could be arranged for at the next easel on ef the State legislature which convenes in January, Ifhf* She legal study la to include reoenmendetiona for additions! auth­ority, if needed, far asking expenditures, cad particularly authority and pro­cedure fer obtaining the fuade necessary to tseke such capcnditurcei alee to provide additional authority, if needed, to call a special election for tho purpose ef authorising the issuance af bends te cover the cost of such devel- opasnt prograa ne ie agreed upon by the Beard, this investigation should dec include a study of whether the Beard !e now empowered to acquire proportion, which may be necessary far the ultinate development, V negotiation er whether condemnation would bo aoeoeeary te legsliso any eueh acquisitions. It is recognised that the enployaont of ea engineering fira te undertake the survey had stake the reooastendatione fer a development prograa will aet be possible by the Beard until the fuade necessary te eever the east of such Spencer Butterfield, See'y-freeeurer X. A, Blende