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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ----------------- outside source. A, That's ay meaning. Q. Have you any figures or any testimony with respect to the possible amount of Increased production item any well or wells? A, As Mr, Shamberger stated, the specific capacities or the amount ©f water that can be withdrawn in each feet by lower­ing ©f the head ©f the well is very favorable in that area of the Water Company. These wells shoe a high specific capacity; so, therefore, it would depend on the amount of draw-down* The slam of the pumps would regulate the amount of water that could be produced* Q, Assuming the drew-down suggested by you, could you tell m what the increased production would be? A* 1 haven’t figured that out in actual figures because Mr* Shamberger did when we were talking it ever, and he gave you the figure ©f possibly 20 to feet draw-down and two and a half million gallons per day could be increased. From the data we have on those wells, it does figure out, Q. Is that one or more wells? A. It’s 9, 10 and 11 Wells. Q. And with the draw-down on wells, you have increased production. A. That's correct. Q. I assume in pumping these wells, there might be some effect on adjacent wells. A, I feel sure from experience in pumping tests in various parts of the Talley that there will be some interference;