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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    G-L.D.ho. 2088 June 22 , 1938 Roseoe Mots Company, ft eorporation, 4380 worth street, Lois Angeles, California. 9«iiUmmu Ia connection with the dropping off la production of water from well fto. 2 at La« Vegas, ffevada, belonging to tho undersigned Railroad Companies, you have offered to tend to Lae Vifftfi, Revade, fros Lee Angeles, California, the re­quired non and equipment for invsstigating the oaueee for the difficulty and the remedying thereof, too have tenta­tively estimated that the oost of doing this work will ho approximately 1300.00 to $800.00. four proposal is hereby accepted with the under­standing that i 1. feu are to feral eh aeoeesary man power and equip- meat needed for doing the above described investiga­tion and verb, and will do the same in a good and workmanlike manner and to the eatiefmotion of tho under signed. 8. the undersigned Railroad Companies will transport free of ehargo from Los Angeles, California, to Laa Vegas, Kevada, and return, the men end equipment neo- eesary for the doing of tho work. 3. for doing the work you are to oharge the Railroad Companies your usual and regular oharge per man hour and your usual and rogular rental oharge for equip- ment necessary for and actually used la the doing of the work. 4. iou agree to save the undersigned Railroad Com­panies and Laa Vegas Land and Water Company harmless from any and all liability, ooet or expenso on aeeount of injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property in any ray arising out of tho ftotlvltioe of yoursolf or your employees in the doing ef told work.