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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    fpeter buol \ I > Hr H 7 ff"- % jf f Jjf . jf A Las Vegas, Nevada, Fete 4th 13. Mr Walter R.Bracken. Las Vegas Nevada. Friend Walter. Can you give me any infromation as to what will tee the answer of the Las Vgas Land and Water Co in regards to {Li 11 a accepting my offer on the^500 per acre for the land between!J Stewart ft Garces St. Looks like their are about 33 acres and about 80000 sq ft in the other at 30/ per ft t so far have not heard from the Cp even as to the fist 2 little triangles. As soon as# possible let me know as I wish to receive the, O.F. from my board of Directors, and it takes time. Things here are moving along fine although I expect the storm to break in the democratic ranks very soon. I do not see any drastic railroad legisatio# showing up and I think that their are both in the house and the senate a good conservitave feodgr of men. Drop me a line and let me hear the news, Rec the night letter on Assembly bill no 7 O.K. Writh best vrishes I remain as ever. Yours truly. M ft V] cXj~>