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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hag Ye{ s, levada , ;/ 25, 1920* Mr. W* H. Comstock,. General Manager,, Los Angeles , California* Dear Sir:- Referring to onr conversation of yesterday in reference to the water situation: I "beg to-here ith en­close yon letters of complaint from both the Hevada Hotel and Overland' Hotel proprietors* 1 went over the ground yesterday with John Clark and while vm have corrected the overflow of water through the flume whieh was flooding the lower part of town, we have not been able to increase the pressure any and neither of the above hotels can secure water on*the second floor, and I sincerely hope that you will mala every effort you ©an to rush the finishing up of our pipe line so that wo may get the full h&ad of the springs, for'without this there will, he no way of increasing our pressure* In this connection, ! hog to herewith enclose you copy of my letter to 0* !*• Miller, Division Engineer, maiding inquiry concerning the boring of a well within the shop yard ground* Since' thinking this mai'.'.or over, the thought occurred to me that it might be a good thing for us to pnrohaae the Connelly Well which is just two blocks east of our 5th ^ Street instead of boring a new well* Connelly well is one of the beet wells within the Valley and is flowing at a pressure of 60#. fhis could easily be piped across to our City water mains which are also running through the shop yards ana for the tin© being the shops and all railroad purposes could be supplied with the water from the springs -and the, City could he cut off from this spring and our supply gotten from the Connelly well* fhis would also assure us in the City mains a much better pressure and would be sufficient for all purposes and especially that of fire and do away with the constant oom- plaint of the City authorities in reference to pressure aiffioient to take care of "ire* • „ „ „ ,_,n I 4o not toow that Connelly wauld dispose of his well, but I think it would be a good thing to look into matter' and see for as suggested by Mr. William M* Barr of the Union Pacific Railroad, the water of this, well Is the best of anything --.c the Salt Lake Route as shown by Mr. Barr s annalysis and if anything ever went wrong with the pip© line or the springs, to ©mill easily have water of this well turned into the line over to the shops. Tours t uly, eo Mr. J. R. Clark* : Mr. A* Maguire. wee'Tres. & • Agent <