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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % Los Angeles, California^ 451 Pacific Electric' Building February 12, 1932 Water Application 7201- Las Vegas Land k Water Co- Municipal use- Water Application 7202- Las Vegas Land k Water Co- Irrigation * Hon* Geo. W. Malone, State Engineer, Carson City, Nevada* Dear Mr. Malone: Our Engineering Department finds that i t w ill re ­quire an additional extension o f time to prepare the maps and proofs in the above Applications 7201 and 7202, and we w i ll appreciate it very much i f you w ill grant us further extensions to and including the 1st day o f July, 1932, within which to make fin a l proofs, and advise me to that e f­fect* I am enclosing herewith a ffid a v its of our Chief Engineer, R. L. Adamson, together with #2 •00 In currency to cover your o ffic e fees. Thanking you, Z am, FRM-H Yours very tru ly, F. R. McNamee