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I agree.% »N»L.D. 2703 Las Vegas, Nevada July 8, 1953 •MW far* «**> Barnett: ?Hr* fte* lip. L# Reinhardt R# fcag At the request of Mr. Haag, I have prepared and transmit herewith duplicate criminals and two extra copies of proposed Letter Agreement, J*L. I>. *-”05, BfejptwigeeBn the LAS VBOAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY and the CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., 421 West Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, Nevada, covering construction of approximately 1,125 LI? of cast iron water main to serve industrial area on Union Pacific Railroad property lying west of Main Street between Garees Street aim Hoover Avenue, Las Vegas. If said agreement meets with your approval, will you please approve as to fora and transmit to Hr. Haag for further handling. I also enclose herewith extra copy of agreement for your files# CALVIN H. CORY CMCSib !5ncl. Said agreessent may be executed, by the Vico President 0I* T^wi and Water Company with the consent of the jeecutive Comittee. d.U L S&? fD|,# |