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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A p ril 21, 19&9 V 2 > 5 June Simone o/o Lake Mead lodge Boulder City, Reva&a Bear Madami Confirming conversation with our of* floe on April 18 regarding the three houses f&o* lng on *A* Street between Van Suren and Jaokaon, las Vegasf fhe rat© on eaoh house, from, the infor­mation given by- you, is |2 * 0 0 pm? month, making a total rate of |6 . 0 0 per month for the property* It Is our understanding, and confirmed by you* that you have been taking water from the private line of John Borough and this has been the oase for the paet two years or more. Of course you realize that no bills were paid to this Company for the water ob-t& lned and it is not our intention to go back for the entire period in whloh you obtained water from this source# However, we have started your account for these three houses as of January 1, 19%*# which in our estimation is an equitable adjustment of this oase. Would appreciate, therefore, your cheek for the months of January, February and March, or a total of #18.00, at your earliest: convenience. For your Information, no bills are sub­mitted, inasmuch as all facilities in las Vegas are on a flat rate basis, Mils being payable monthly. We are attaching resume on our Form J giving a few of the rules and regulations pertaining thereto. Very truly yours, General Manager