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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Re: Transfer of Las Vegas Water System to Las Vegas Valley Water District, Los Angeles, June 2, 1954 80-11 Mr, W„ R, Rouse: (cc Mr, A, E. Stoddard Mr. Wm . Reinhardt Mr. W. H. Hulsizer Mr. R. M. Sutton Mr. Calvin M* Cory Mr. C. M. Bates ? Mr. L, R. Maag) 1 copy of enclosures to each Mr, Leo A. McNamee, attorney for the Las Vegas Val­ley Water District, who approved the form of conveyance documents and acknowledgments in draft form, telephoned me today to ask that the form of acknowledgment on the documents listed in Items 1 to 6 in Mr, Reinhardt’s let­ter to Mr. Stoddard of May 28, 1954, be changed. In accordance with my telephone conversation with you today I am enclosing five copies of the acknowledg­ment pages for each of the documents listed in Items 1 to 6 of Mr. Reinhardt’s transmittal letter so that you may substitute them in the originals and in the copies which are now in the President’s office and in your of­fice. The enclosed forms of acknowledgment which are paged 5t 4 and 10 can be readily identified with the document to which eaeh relates* being items 1 , 2 and 3, respective ly, in Mr. Reinhardt’s letter of May 28, 1954. The form of acknowledgment for Item 4 bears page 3 and refers to ^corporations4' in the plural. It is identified by a num­ber 4 in pencil in the upper left-hand comer. The ac­knowledgments for Items 5 and 6 are paged 3 and are the same form. E, E, Bennett E n d s