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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. E. E. Bennett - Los Angeles cos Mr, Wa. Beinh&rdt Mr. C. M. Cory Pleas® refer to your letter dated June 2, 1953, File 36-15- Kev., relative to proposed agreement *N“L.D. 2669 between the Water Company and Valley Enterprises, Inc., copy of which I do not have but assume that It oovers matter of a substitute easement for pipe line to be constructed at the expense of Mr. Maopeek (President of Valley Enterprises), as a result of his encroachment over existing pip® line easement. In accordance with recommendation in your letter of May 6 and Mr. Reinhardt's letter of May 6, I have employed Mr. Karston f« Bronken, a Metads licensed land surveyor, to make a survey and furnish map at an estimated oost of $120, so that a description for substitute easement o&n be prepared for a 6* pipe line to replace the existing 4 s* pipe line over which Mr. K&oPeok has constructed his buildings• I have had considerable difficulty in employing a licensed land surveyor, but Mr. Bronken's survey is now practically complete and & map showing data required for a substitute easement will be available within the next few days. After this map has been received, I will furnish Mr. Gory with the easement description and he can then prepare the revised agreement between the Water Company and Valley Enterprises. Las Vegas - June h, 1953 W 23f S # L. B* M&ag LHH/dtn