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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    '?m notion p l f sftftmiidt it « u that t o action of Vice President %aiefeer*» feoto* In excepting letter agreement* dtod 4p®H 36* 166$* witfe Lyaafe -jonctrcetiea donpaay, to cover t o furnishing Itbsr and eetoial to perfew* vet incident te installation of 90-to capacity ffelsfecak9~M*ree plat forts scale with platters M ft, * 1 ft,* at oaf packing tease tinier lease to %xi fetor, at first and P&ieenres streets, toona, California; emsidemtia** $1,33.6*00, fee, and t o ssuss is hcrefey, ratified* approved and ceafirned, m notion i | | seconded, it was actoLVXA, tot t o action of Vice President Ealeto* feocfecr in escentiag !«**«, dated May 16, 1956, with Andrew E* Oarson, for period, of <me year free dene 1, 19%, covering scrap ton stooge site a m tot t o Angeles, mufcmla, Tract 6696, m m m X rental #0,00, payafelc aaathiy in advance, fee, and t o m m la uereby, ratified, approved and cenflvnsd* do notion duly sceondsd, It was n m m 383* tot t o action of Tice President misfed* feeder in executing lotto agroesteat, dated m y 16, 163S* v i m Mr* A* k * toe, to cover furnishing of labs? and naterial Incident to painting of m w warehouse structure at H 6 6 tot seventli it,c lee mgeflee, consideration 12,080.99, fee, srl tfee m m id hereby, ratified, approved and eonflmed, Beferring to reseiutisa adopted fey t o Board, sovetonr 16* 1636* rati tying tsnporary reduction in n m t o y rental, for toied of t o t o m free m m m m y l, l©#% esvenag leases of