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i '} 7 - / LAS TBO&S LAED and VATSR CCHPAl'Y. General Baloj.ce Sheet — north o f Jana, 1919. i m t Z8V821?Ka-!2S m 1 . S eal E state - Unimproved 1-1 Beal E sta te Owned Outside C la rk ’ s L.V.Tow nsIte 28 939.33 1-2 Unsold Lots C la r k 's Las Vegaa Towns!te 27 754*44 1-3 Investm ent 1st P h y sica l P ro p e rty - C a lifo r n ia 204 766,98 T o ta l Beal E sta te - Unimproved 361 460.75 2 . Improved Beal E sta te & M iscellan eou s Property 2-1 Pour Room C ottages 60 825.43 2-2 F iv e Room C ottages 66 186.96 2-3 Booming House 32 122*65 2-4 Booming House Equi pment 3 929 51 Linen 382,39 B lan kets, C om forts, etc* 349.46 F u rn itu re, e t c , . 3197,67 2-5 H osp ital B u ild in g K 441.50 2-6 O f f ic e Equipment 799,71 O f f ic e Fu rnitu re & M ls c ,P ro p e rty 799„71 2-7 in t e r System 16 509.86 2-8 E le c t r ic D is t r ib u t in g System 2 770.13 2 -9 Work Shop 285.31 2-10 fo r k Shop Equipment 454.05 Work T o o ls , etc* 454.05 2-11 Water S e rv ic e Connections 1 204.11 - T o ta l Improved R eal E sta te 4 M ice*P rop erty 190 609.24 3. In v e s te e n t l r S e c u ritis e 1 125.00 3-1 Anaheim Union Water Co. Coarson C ap ital Stock 976,00 3-2 U*S.Govt. Third L ib e r t y Loan Bonds 160.00 TOTAL nrVESTUEKTS 453 194.99 CDBBEUT A 3 3 m 4. M a te ria l & Supplies 119,. 94 4-1 M a te ria l On Hand 119*94 6* Cash 17 681.47 5-1 Treasu rer 17 881.47 6. M iscellan eou s Accotmte R e c e iv a b le 3 143.56 6-1 B i l l s C o lle c t ib le 1 310,41 6-2 W. S. Bracken, Agent - C o lle c tio n s 1 833.15 T o ta l Current A ssets 21 144.9? . 2E7EBHE2 J&HT3 7. Other D eferred A ssets 7-1 Advances f o r Construct Ion Employes Cottages 0 034.26 7-2 Tewasite Contracts *fet_ 476,00 Total. D eferred Aecots 7 509 .26 UiuJ>«R;3TED DEBITS 0 ? w&t«ir Franchise fep en ss 294.62 E leeit r ie L ig h t Syater. Franchise 45,72 0 . IsiiesuiC‘ir.C€ prer?.tv:’y p a le it Advance !!K ,2 a •Total Unadjusted Debi ta TOTAL ASSETS 4S£ . sSr •s7r’w1m..eCw4jw )